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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
51. Always trying to look on the bright side of every situation, she is a born ________ .2 t+ {* o. J. y
   (A) opportunist                 (B) antagonist
( U; {; k0 M% B3 O# a4 {   (C) optimist                   (D) maverick
" G; I2 [% q4 r+ Q& V   (E) zealot" o2 h: @' K7 u' Z9 Q7 N
52. American culture now stigmatizes, and sometimes even heavily ________ . behavior that was once taken for granted: overt racism, cigarette smoking, the use of sexual stereotypes.0 e( F% [4 }8 G9 Y$ n1 x, L* d
   (A) advocates2 g5 l8 i  s# s- n, k) @+ n+ y* u
   (B) penalizes
& m7 [- A* ?- K8 w: L6 u   (C) ignores
' P# Y( T/ L! P   (D) indoctrinates) p$ O; s% A4 T+ i5 k5 Q; T" \
   (E) advertises
- R. ^! u2 Y# w5 O0 v9 F  x& a 53. Americans have always been rightfully ________ unnecessary government coercion, feeling that the government should use its powers sparingly.: Q7 ]8 z( A; @) {, i, [+ u. D# |
   (A) disarmed by
( e' ]9 G6 k) J# l0 S/ e   (B) chary about9 c# F5 v1 k+ B" i4 ~
   (C) dependent on4 H  |1 k( ?: X- u1 a' s
   (D) amenable to
9 R: N% }( T, s   (E) enthusiastic about
. R6 K: N8 c9 v( z/ m: ]& f 54. An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled political waters, she intended to wait for a more ________ occasion before she announced her plans.
* D! e  K( v+ u   (A) propitious
; b. ?* j1 W' d2 y5 b! x' k. Y   (B) provocative
0 Q' m/ B! r! O; N2 w9 K4 b$ I- t   (C) unseemly
0 d( ~/ G0 Z/ x( n2 F   (D) questionable
0 B* C6 F# |" Y  [   (E) theoretical- k1 a  k& q- D4 c5 n
55. An optimistic supporter of the women's movement, Kubota contends that recent ________ by Japanese women in the business world are meaningful and indicative of ________ opportunity to come.) Z5 C2 ~: n% l
   (A) advances ... diminished
1 Q) u$ V3 `& J; A5 s   (B) strides ... greater9 I# H' n  y, D, Q% ~
   (C) innovations ... marginal+ I) C9 t5 z" y& u# N0 I% S
   (D) retreats ... theoretical
0 V& F4 L+ [, m5 M% C3 b) H# s   (E) failures ... hidden! {2 i' N( R* ~

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