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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
16. A sense of fairness ________ that the punishment should fit the crime; yet, in actual practice, judicial decisions ________ greatly for the same type of criminal offense. & h1 w8 k8 `2 v  p
   (A) assumes ... coincide
5 K# n0 _! I+ l1 N; r   (B) relegates ... deviate   N% R6 \! H3 {4 w8 |
   (C) accumulates ... simplify
* x0 c1 ^: o5 _9 v. y9 ~6 z! T   (D) insists ... compromise 6 ~0 J' H' q3 Y$ c: r' z/ m
   (E) dictates ... vary 8 b1 G" F/ \0 H3 l4 i, \4 s
  " g+ c4 A/ |8 A- X4 ?$ w2 n, U
17. A subway modernization program intended to ________ a host of problems ranging from dangerous tracks to overcrowded stairwells has failed to meet its schedule for repairs.
: w! F% U3 D" @/ Z# n( H   (A) augment
  o# H$ f; I! _$ x3 o1 K   (B) initiate
4 U* B8 v( q9 W' Z" i3 k6 A+ \   (C) deplore
# J, _. ]& n: f   (D) disclose & K# i2 I1 i% u, h8 ~5 G
   (E) eliminate 0 p+ F( k$ W! g' E" ~0 _
+ S# m1 A3 n# h. e' F+ b1 l18. Abandoning the moral principles of his youth, the aging emperor Tiberius led a ________ , wanton life.
3 T& ^$ A( P/ |   (A) celibate
& j- ^2 Y5 l7 e2 i+ a( o: L1 B   (B) rudimentary 6 Z* v+ l  y! [2 Q* b( p
   (C) debauched 0 [% ]& I: R8 \" I  S9 h
   (D) circumspect
& u3 `; A& s' i! u% T( Y   (E) peripatetic
" c( {+ C% W  B$ E# C. N* t' o3 O  
8 M4 v; \% k$ {* f$ x3 r/ {19. According to Lionel Trilling, the paradox of liberalism was that in its quest for freedom it must move toward greater organization, stricter legislation, and increasing ________ . * m3 K! Z$ k6 J
   (A) anarchy ' M7 ], Q' ]. _$ y; t
   (B) self-realization
% p+ F1 p, a5 ]6 a3 y$ M: D   (C) stagnation
" t; ^3 S1 R7 b" R   (D) control : ^: C$ m- W2 }) m9 a2 e0 Q8 q
   (E) levity
' R9 z( W3 L& w, c& u( z  
1 ~- g: C0 \1 K8 H* q: E( G20. According to a noted art critic, one would have to be completely immune to the sensuous pleasures of painting to be ________ Lucien Freud’s mesmerizing art. 1 w) J1 [8 ]' y
   (A) drawn to                    (B) overcome by 9 L$ Q* U- Q# k0 g) O- M
   (C) enamored of                 (D) unaffected by
- M9 A" n1 p; M3 J) e   (E) consistent about
) C* L5 a3 J$ ]' n  
" u; C6 |9 O) h) T; AEECDD

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