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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题二十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
136. Despite the current expansion of membership in America, the governing body of world fencing fears that fencing could be in danger of ________ if it does not become more ________ to spectators.4 J% K, e2 |" f3 o
    (A) monotony ... intelligible
$ y" R0 @  F& m" l% \/ R    (B) overcrowding ... resistant
* P; R" `2 U+ {0 G: l$ C, q0 P    (C) extinction ... accessible4 o# Z, g5 Q& Z# F8 k4 p2 W" L6 e7 Q
    (D) corruption ... cordial
( O1 M9 N- a2 B! |6 k    (E) remoteness ... handy& s8 |' h# p- M0 ~
137. Despite the growing ________ of Hispanic actors in the American theater, many Hispanic experts feel that the Spanish-speaking population is ________ on the stage.+ v7 t  ?- r8 D# V) G% v2 B% g
    (A) decrease ... inappropriate
+ q0 K4 n, I) d$ S* o4 Q    (B) emergence ... visible
8 x- j6 Z6 ^, m# O    (C) prominence ... underrepresented# L; @7 f8 \0 x4 I  C$ A( {7 d3 J
    (D) skill ... alienated$ O' c+ H6 N1 `" O; Z5 i+ e4 C
    (E) number ... misdirected1 h% a' f  U) S) I- p, l/ ~: F" ?% R
138. Despite the mixture's ________ nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in the laboratory we could dramatically reduce its tendency to vaporize.6 m! v, T2 v/ a$ m
    (A) resilient
, \7 H/ t$ f7 c5 k* u6 P1 W    (B) volatile
5 k0 ^) ]$ C( {    (C) homogeneous
+ B! r) k; G; b- o5 \" T0 q    (D) insipid4 X# |) [  C1 G2 e
    (E) acerbic
- f" H" w; h( b2 \ 139. Despite the team members' resentment of the new coach's training rules, they ________ them as long as he did not ________ them too strictly.$ B6 @& ?! O- `% L( ]& m
    (A) embraced ... follow
5 Q5 |" @$ ^- l- j$ x. O4 X    (B) condemned ... formulate
( Y+ z# I# h$ f" t6 i; k! I: W    (C) questioned ... interpret
# I5 ^1 j# o& M* u: p    (D) challenged ... implement  ~# l) n  o+ g! s. Y8 D+ @7 w
    (E) tolerated ... apply1 D7 j% Q0 I$ {) c& t* F* D/ ^
140. Despite their reputations as soothing love songs sung by mothers to lull fretful infants to sleep, many lullabies are of a dark, even ________ nature.
7 l+ U4 j/ ~( T" z& d    (A) soporific
: R) Q: R, ~- N( H& }    (B) manipulative6 J( L( v. Z1 ^) _) n" M0 J
    (C) threatening
9 u% y! L- O& U/ @% O) s6 g    (D) auspicious
( m8 N" {/ h' I% `% B2 U    (E) innocuous

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