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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题三十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
146. During the Battle of Trafalgar, Admiral Nelson remained ________ and in full command of the situation in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him.
4 o/ S* Z! G5 U2 O8 p2 g    (A) impassable: B: L2 N" ~! M0 N9 O& V0 R4 }+ A
    (B) imperturbable
* R, q) p1 P. s    (C) overbearing
3 {  H" G# I4 P9 N9 t( J: p    (D) frenetic
+ n% l& p% |5 x! n5 Q    (E) lackadaisical
' a/ D& a, {) d5 A 147. During the Dark Ages, hermits and other religious ________ fled the world to devote themselves to silent contemplation.
# W" d# Q  {% x+ \3 ]3 M4 L    (A) renegades
/ x# Z6 M( G( Y$ m    (B) skeptics) v! K  ?- P/ m% c5 T
    (C) altruists) i- R: N: |; i, a" H8 N' t, B
    (D) recluses
2 X  C$ l& J& R8 ^  V- ?    (E) convictions
) q( ]3 |" z* Z" G1 v 148. During the Ice Ages, muskoxen ranged as far south as Iowa, in North America, and Spain, in Europe, but in recent centuries the species has been ________ arctic tundra habitats, such as Greenland and the arctic islands of Canada.4 k* |. Y+ @9 t( L! V% P
    (A) barred from) R8 O4 B( j5 Y' f& ^1 a+ n& S0 B
    (B) confined to
* O% S  ~9 {  v& L    (C) dissatisfied with- E# P( J1 {0 P2 J
    (D) enervated by
- P" E! [9 U2 a1 K4 d    (E) unknown in6 d* N0 o8 @% c# V3 m# Y) O
149. During the last four decades of Tennyson's long life, his creative powers never ________ , some of his most remarkable work coming after the age of 70.1 d6 ?/ e3 Q' Z0 C; |- S
    (A) recovered
- i% `) M- F3 J3 J/ q% V3 F. t    (B) manifested% N# V. V7 s. e( F; l- O1 Q
    (C) flagged$ m6 a+ I( q  V  l: n0 [
    (D) blossomed* S; o. s2 ^5 _
    (E) broadened0 S- ^2 T3 {# V) U. `
150. During the troubles of 1750, the ________ of Scotland was terrible; many Scots could afford nothing to eat but oatmeal porridge.
" w3 A/ u+ `% S, D- K    (A) anarchy4 N% _) {8 l$ W/ Q* v
    (B) reputation
( E8 T4 l* W) p" r; Q0 \+ b1 p    (C) punishment" G5 m2 n$ t$ b" L
    (D) apathy                   (E) poverty
! y/ L" n  \% M& G4 q- h BDBCE

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