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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题五十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. Appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and vacuum cleaners ( {/ u1 v$ ~1 L5 |% I! [
have become considerably more durable over the past 30  years.  Yet their $ D/ o9 R, |" l% g" [
average product life---the time from original sale to eventual discard---has, 3 {9 ^; g* E& v3 L  D
if any thing, become shorter.  Therefore, making their products more dur-
) Z( E$ ]$ @: @  q( Yable has been a waste of money for appliance manufacturers.  9 H* V) s: Z" o) G* e
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion? ! ^  b" V  X/ U: f+ s
       AGreater product durability has essentially been a by-product of appli-
* C- W8 E& s+ f2 W6 _       ance manufacturers' efforts to make their products more efficient9 f, j- F- j! F
       to operate.  9 T! S; G) a$ T/ b% b
     B Manufacturers who stress durability in designing their appliances
2 i% G7 _) V" z) K       often neglect attractive styling, though styling is the more apparent . T/ n% `/ m; W& O) ^
       feature.  2 [; i  C* _8 x9 L: K$ G8 F
    C  In advertising their products, appliance manufacturers do not mention. f) Z; a4 g6 R7 K3 g. {& ?/ H, l5 Z
       gains in product durability as a prime selling point.  3 v5 [7 W/ L$ |5 a( n; E% ^9 r
    D  Appliance manufacturers concede that even greater gains in the dur-2 C8 Y; {6 b( s2 ~7 Z4 H
       ability of their products are currently within reach.  ! x. r$ `3 E3 j) m( p- T, R
     E Appliance manufacturers do not spend their entire research budgets
. x+ v. V4 \. v" S+ W* e       on efforts to increase the durability of their products.  
+ o2 ~7 Q- z+ S4 F. W答案A

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