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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题二十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
96. Because the majority of the evening cable TV programs available dealt with violence and sex, the parents decided that the programs were ________ for the children to watch.* w: z9 A9 A+ P) D" Y
   (A) exclusive
9 ^+ f7 @) ]$ v0 A2 U" S# R   (B) acceptable
+ C, c( B$ P: u$ w& A) {   (C) instructive
  L8 s+ W9 A* L- B, B; Q   (D) inappropriate
) ]' {. w- {+ D- M6 P# o   (E) unnecessary
( {/ J: _- }/ x  Z + H% Z, u) `& j0 U9 y) Y
97. Because vast organizations are an inevitable element in modern life, it is ________ to aim at their abolition.
* s6 d7 n# v5 A9 A; G8 C  a1 K! M  E   (A) necessary
8 o9 ^4 v9 C1 ]1 G: ^   (B) important
3 a  W& f9 E; }9 B, K. j   (C) customary( D) i+ y+ Q0 Z$ B( e
   (D) realistic
. F$ {; X" u' J. v8 r" H6 t   (E) futile
7 i1 _+ s# k, p: \, N7 T% y 98. Because we have completed our analysis of the major components of the proposed project, we are free to devote the remainder of this session to a study of the project's ________ details./ `" l$ c( x/ D6 K( I4 F
   (A) lurid
; K1 e9 `- N; N4 G1 Y) r& j   (B) scrupulous5 H; ^" d- G( v
   (C) unquestionable/ q" c) e9 m9 x5 {9 M
   (D) incidental
- U8 n9 A7 a4 B! C   (E) involuntary
9 c1 i0 d' ~2 Z, T) `' a4 `) T2 } 99. Before the inflation ________ , one could have had a complete meal in a restaurant for a dollar, including the tip, whereas today a hot dog, coffee, and dessert would ________ add up to two or three times that much.* b/ R: e) Q! @
   (A) spiral ... indubitably
  K$ \! N; ?" [. @   (B) cancellation rapidly
1 ^/ b, ^$ v; y/ [   (C) problem ... improbably2 ]3 A. x0 `/ X( A
   (D) abundance ... consequently
9 E. F' |+ R, S4 N   (E) incidence ... radically; m8 e1 n; J0 L/ c  ^& s$ ^0 P; @7 P  W
100. Being cynical, he was reluctant to ________ the ________ of any kind act until he had ruled out all possible secret, uncharitable motives.
5 W8 A* ]6 j) \  i# ^( X: N    (A) question ... benevolence
) p7 o6 f8 K6 _- @$ q  G1 k    (B) acknowledge ... wisdom
* p5 \/ d$ s% J& l$ T! ^    (C) credit ... unselfishness9 Q/ {+ e# S9 a9 g* k
    (D) endure ... loss
5 Z7 @1 j, X6 Z- _    (E) witness ... outcome" g' J( r+ {# ]; Z+ c

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