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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
221. If you come to the conference table with such an ________ attitude, we can not expect to reach any harmonious agreement.
+ H7 S9 _; @' S, ?    (A) exemplary' B. ^, P4 w% n1 j) _; h; w
    (B) iridescent6 Z. P8 Y/ Z% C9 o
    (C) indolent; A* p" }* V5 v- r
    (D) obdurate
4 N4 W0 o8 P  H. {6 N    (E) unwonted
1 c/ g+ q% q3 N' c3 @6 ]" M 222. If you listen carefully, you can hear this simple ________ throughout the entire score.) @7 H. @8 a/ U% g* R6 U( S4 p
    (A) metaphor/ s; f/ T  W: b) j- \
    (B) paean
6 b* X% r# Q' C, R  m  ^    (C) banality" X( L0 Y" G; P1 q3 N9 a9 G! e; {9 A
    (D) motif, h2 X4 E& `$ @3 D) h' ]$ O
    (E) trilogy
8 |9 p! W/ I/ w6 S" u3 c( B# q7 ?, u 223. If you need car parts that the dealers no longer stock, try ________ for odd bits and pieces at the auto wreckers' yards.
9 A1 W, Q! S$ Y7 s4 E    (A) waiting3 S% R% [, q6 t2 L9 Q
    (B) bantering
  t' i( \1 w: E, D' o( H. [0 y/ L. n    (C) scavenging) C' j/ L% ?& j0 j
    (D) riveting0 E/ T3 a" m8 J& i# z
    (E) insuring
' }5 `1 }/ L: Q: k. f 224. If, like the mole rat, you could run backward as easily as forward but had weak eyes that could see only dim shadows of light and dark, you too might want touch-sensitive whiskers to help ________ you through the tunnels of your underground home.
5 L- V- h6 n$ i" |, h    (A) carry
; D/ A# w1 t( O' M    (B) illuminate
+ e& o. ]* w% i* n9 p, A, z    (C) excavate0 E9 e; z( Y+ P  }4 T" Y( ]
    (D) distract0 V( C' X& r. T. U& f( J9 a- H
    (E) guide
) f: Y2 p; _& d* S( k* \  \& { 225. Illness can be  ________ as how disease feels, the experience of being sick: at once a physical or natural condition and a social and cultural one.1 T5 ]$ |  E. E
    (A) cured
7 i/ w: @! E' m# ?5 G1 \    (B) survived4 L( m. i7 B8 |5 k; `
    (C) acclaimed8 i; g$ M9 U4 r" `4 y% B
    (D) defined* F8 t! s0 l9 w4 v9 x% j2 V& T
    (E) deprecated0 r) n& s, b6 M- _: R/ q

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