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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题三十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
181. From the critic's perspective, M.F.K. Fisher was a writer who ________ classification, for her food writing read like love stories, her fiction like memoirs.+ Y  _/ T9 C1 X
    (A) remembered& ]3 [6 G, O$ ?9 k% h$ q
    (B) relished" |& d, j! P! L! \0 ?7 M( A. P& c
    (C) skirted2 p8 E+ g- k; _4 e
    (D) complied with
4 S0 I4 o$ {; j. z6 r    (E) matured with
% s) h* A8 T6 n& O! ^ 182. From the lunch counter sit-ins and bus boycotts to the historic freedom march from Selma to Montgomery, this fine volume shows how ________ Americans from every walk of life fought ________ battle for "liberty and justice for all."8 `7 x2 @# n4 E# P
    (A) revolutionary ... an unnecessary# ]9 u% U1 h; E9 I
    (B) typical .. an ignoble, r  Z( ]+ D$ }' ^7 k( E, e
    (C) progressive ... a vainglorious# r) f  o" t4 Z7 L7 h6 p! v
    (D) ordinary ... an inspiring
" {$ j6 C) \& V; N# f! {/ S    (E) pugnacious ... a dubious
9 r1 u$ H8 [3 y  c7 a 183. Gaddis is a formidably talented writer whose work has been, unhappily, more likely to intimidate or ________ -his readers than to lure them into his fictional world." b# _* q3 O, V" g! F, E3 `/ X; I
    (A) entice
* X2 }6 ]- b4 g0 }* W- c    (B) strengthen# A; _! p/ ~' E8 u0 q8 w
    (C) invigorate* J$ H0 V7 I+ x; Q; b  u
    (D) transform
7 _" n8 W- L9 ?6 @) \# ~  O2 V& W    (E) repel7 C) i9 ^9 E1 M5 ]
184. Getting into street brawls is no minor matter for professional boxers, who are required by law to restrict their ________ impulses to the ring.
1 L; f8 X! i  @; o1 R    (A) humorous$ S, ?( g6 l' Q: }
    (B) aggressive
! _4 _# x5 m1 `: K: w- A  a/ k( K    (C) obligatory
: {2 E4 }8 s$ I5 Z1 r+ Y% L) q3 {    (D) amateurish
, W* ^9 C& g  O/ S- `    (E) legitimate
* p8 ^& g" ~# L) ]1 Y+ d' i 185. Given the ________ nature of wood, the oldest totem poles of the Northwest Coast Indians eventually fell to decay; only a few still stand today.
8 I; O. ]: B7 J* `* Q, q7 U& M1 M* `5 d0 \    (A) resilient  k" w6 U) W3 ^/ _8 n. a0 ~
    (B) combustible- ]% Y/ q. `% b$ x
    (C) malleable" u# T8 Q# A( v8 y) n+ v% R/ a
    (D) perishable3 v8 c& G- L) W0 z: Z
    (E) solid! _. o$ t' `; A. v. O: f

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