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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题五十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
261. John Gielgud crowns a distinguished career of playing Shakespearean roles by giving a performance that is ________ .
; x6 y6 U; A3 Y- U5 c; q    (A) mediocre
* t+ I( ^; l$ Q5 D% A8 F9 D) o2 M    (B) outmoded
8 N5 U( E* q, l6 C" J. J: B    (C) superficial- |9 ^/ T9 i4 a3 A* A% W* `0 [5 |
    (D) unsurpassable5 f9 N( b/ J' \
    (E) insipid, t$ c. ]3 R8 w0 I4 }2 d/ k4 a8 o
262. John Keats, Dylan Thomas, Arthur Rimbaud-all these were poets who had to be poets, whom no one or nothing short of death could have ________ their courses.# V6 Z7 {( r' r( j  h# z
    (A) confirmed in
$ m9 E& L1 l6 R0 i( r9 f    (B) derailed from
6 o/ J7 t5 ?# U9 G, H" ^3 N2 _+ K    (C) lauded for
4 b2 G" E3 p# T- O) B8 y    (D) interested in# Q) _# H9 y0 \( X
    (E) convinced of
) m( x0 }: [# v4 V; R 263. Just as all roads once led to Rome, all blood vessels in the human body ultimately ________ the heart." w7 }6 \  m, w8 ]1 f* h
    (A) detour around" M3 }. ^9 q  B( J, A5 M( H
    (B) shut off# d, c& w5 q" E' G
    (C) empty into
2 g# `6 K2 ]9 ?) f' j5 w    (D) look after
" ^$ E3 R  O1 o, o" T- ^+ \    (E) beat back
& @& J  j$ W4 g, o 264. Just as an ________ dish lacks flavor, an inane remark lacks ________ ." f) ^( l+ @) ^
    (A) intriguing ... spice
. i1 u2 {$ d' `2 G    (B) insipid ... sense
: S' v& w( ]' E    (C) inedible ... listeners. E- K0 l+ K  `3 i6 |! v
    (D) occasional ... implications
' U: A% _7 M1 N1 O    (E) offensive ... taste
8 c$ l. k! o( l- k, v& g& F" b 265. Just as an orchestra cannot consist only of violins, a society cannot consist only of managers, for society is an ________ in which different parts have different ________ .
. l& O& B4 n) K/ H6 M    (A) anarchy ... powers. C5 o7 S5 i1 o, K* |7 Q
    (B) edifice ... complaints
  N! c2 ^  h+ G2 k" C% P/ B5 }6 r    (C) organism ... functions4 `5 P7 j2 a( w& p: ]
    (D) institution ... results
+ L( U& r( f- h' B" f+ C    (E) urbanity ... ambitions
1 o9 {+ `; \" CDBCBC

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