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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题五十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
246. Instead of taking exaggerated precautions against touching or tipping or jarring the bottle of wine, the waitress handled it quite ________ , being careful only to use a napkin to keep her hands from the cool bottle itself.9 I4 T) c' x$ _" v6 u
    (A) fastidiously
) x1 `7 K( q) b  V7 [) x    (B) reverently
: a9 Y" j: Z! ]& Z. j8 W% J" ^    (C) nonchalantly
1 B* P5 J" J& r7 t0 k% T    (D) tentatively; c/ d9 I( P6 Q" R0 ]% I
    (E) ambivalently
) e2 }2 r5 [* S, j2 L2 a, R! Y 247. Irony can, after a fashion, become a mode of escape: to laugh at the terrors of life is in some sense to ________ them.
& F0 W/ D* e4 N    (A) overstate
9 |' Z5 u: \1 H( g; J    (B) revitalize" b+ ]+ F) m$ k) l% h2 m
    (C) corroborate  @- h. c0 @8 z" V$ Q# {
    (D) evade# N+ p1 [8 {) D% n6 h
    (E) license
' u1 f3 |3 I" I) E1 Q: Z 248. Isozaki's love for detail is apparent everywhere in the new museum, but fortunately the details are ________ to the building's larger formal composition, which is ________ by the busyness of much recent architecture.% d) l6 V& ]9 q$ Z) }6 i1 g
    (A) important ... harmed# s; c  X" B. ?; L+ J# L1 K
    (B) irrelevant ... fragmented
+ L, V8 A( p6 R; D% q9 p    (C) subordinated ... unencumbered8 k2 `3 y' U8 R+ H# N& p
    (D) appropriate ... echoed
* h4 @7 B# }3 `( w: `9 K( R+ h7 ]    (E) incidental ... nullified; g+ K1 u, ~: ?0 T
249. It is ________ to try to destroy pests completely with chemical poisons, for as each new chemical pesticide is introduced, the insects gradually become ________ to it.
7 O$ P- L! Q2 a1 z    (A) useless ... drawn0 b3 Q3 x' z. A
    (B) pointless ... vulnerable
7 y( m& a3 s% g; I    (C) futile ... resistant: J  Y2 k* q# z: k7 S6 a+ {1 i
    (D) wicked ... indifferent
* V3 {4 x# S, L7 l( @2 Q; b. d    (E) worthwhile ... immune
# Y. `  ^+ ]7 [% u) ?% k$ n$ C 250. It is a relief to see people who can be interested in the arts without being "arty" collectors who collect for their own ________ rather than for ________ .( ?, @( k  F, k2 C' o
    (A) enjoyment ... satisfaction' a, _* Z' x; Z% A) ^9 }
    (B) interest ... pleasure
  m! o! f, ]- n- S; R" M6 I8 V    (C) reputation ... amusement
* r- s, _% r& t4 D& h    (D) delight ... show8 o! V$ d+ e+ \1 k, a
    (E) education ... fulfillment
' g8 A& ~  B# O+ t  m0 M( S7 iCDCCD

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