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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题七十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
356. Skulls are the Rosetta stones of anthropology, because they bear unique features that let scientists ________ whether two fossil samples come from the same type of creature. ( c4 ]; p. d3 D: g! w4 D" P: l
    (A) determine ' }  ]: R3 d* C3 r
    (B) prophesy
2 C4 m+ v) e1 X& Z; y    (C) disregard
% e) G, W5 m% Z* [    (D) initiate
/ ?+ ?: V7 @) o; _- p$ V) e    (E) recollect
+ h2 G" Z& h; \- r1 h, a. S1 O  
5 j6 Q$ |+ ~8 x' P6 u' V357. So important was the textile trade between England and America ________ quantities of indigo and raw-ginned cotton a year going in one direction, millions of yards of printed cotton fabrics in the other ________ that it ________ right through the American War of Independence.
! J0 [7 @9 D% Q' K. ~& |    (A) immense ... innovated / t! x! S1 q! W0 Y, r, `
    (B) vast ... continued
9 g5 o* ]" Y& G$ R/ i0 S% `    (C) illicit ... collaborated
3 J  ~: R; o+ {' r    (D) insignificant ... diversified ' T1 A- m% e; s( j& K9 ?- u
    (E) enormous ... ceased
4 ~. E" l, \# d" R6 V  - S! b8 u# n, x4 j5 R
358. Some spiderwebs are sheets or tangles of threads that delay the ________ of prey, allowing the spider, ________ by vibrations that travel through the threads, time to make its way over to the entangled victim. 0 Q# `' Y) j. r5 d
    (A) escape ... alerted
3 z* b- P, O/ k1 a! G) W% G    (B) consumption ... frightened ) n- D. r4 Y* @
    (C) capture ... thwarted % p0 E/ B" z( Y8 r" c7 ~
    (D) pursuit ... soothed - o. v; D; _8 q" c% ~
    (E) sighting ... irritated
/ ^7 a. F1 ~: _" R  : g7 ]+ ?3 _& W* x, c$ Q: @
359. Some thought Dali was a brilliant painter; others ________ him as a conceited poseur. ! a' p' O/ r9 j7 E- N& z+ Z
    (A) respected
" `) D. n( g9 @5 q5 N    (B) venerated * ^0 b$ ?) D' H# G
    (C) dismissed 5 ~; R6 O1 j% {+ v9 H
    (D) vindicated 3 k2 m" N$ G* S+ {
    (E) exasperated
6 b* ^4 n4 H6 Z; \+ H  1 \$ k3 _& i- K! `+ ~6 ~
360. Something in Christopher responded to the older man’s air of authority; he looked  ________ , used to ________ .
4 q0 s( W: o+ r* X$ {    (A) magisterial ... command 1 e( ~. Q3 T1 L! ^! h
    (B) monumental ... intimidate
* D: T7 o- F9 G2 R* i    (C) diffident ... domineer $ A, ?' h9 K1 ]1 q8 G; C
    (D) masterful ... obey
/ _$ h! C2 g" V$ I/ u! Q    (E) decisive ... fret

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