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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
326. Perhaps because he feels ________ by an excess of parental restrictions and rules, at adolescence the repress child may break out dramatically.  0 L7 S' x" e8 z7 j0 ]9 @; y# X- O6 d
    (A) nurtured 3 s" }& b# k& b( ~; n% e7 Z- L
    (B) appeased 1 {( w- k% L+ k5 h3 h( M: g
    (C) confined
7 Z/ V1 e" H2 ?, m* v1 d    (D) fascinated
3 d9 [) s0 C3 l9 t1 r( L    (E) liberated
$ I0 q- r, H% e; M( m/ B  - Y$ F% z' p. k
327. Peter has a bad habit of making ________ remarks that cause us to forget the gist of what he is saying. 0 ]& Q& M2 v3 K  J) X( R
    (A) awkward * n1 L+ L% w% g- v* a: i* e
    (B) pertinent 4 Y# i8 z! ^3 l# c
    (C) digressive . W& Y* l: e& y# M% n/ S& _/ d
    (D) telling : l: v) Q. e; z# O' T
    (E) tentative
  h# ^* z5 S) e  
# |, ~) G& v! l( y! V" o328. Physicists dream of a unified theory of matter that could replace the present ________ of mutually in consistent theories that litter the field.
# L" Y5 D* r9 {" e    (A) bonanza
$ u" ^; d' ]# e7 q6 y* g    (B) concord
3 Q# q& I% k5 T4 u& v0 O$ z+ `7 t, r    (C) dearth
( V7 B1 M* \  \, V% s1 X) A    (D) integration ' k) f% e% T8 ?% x$ P8 h
    (E) clutter
9 k/ C& j* m$ Y. c. E3 Z: U7 w) [  
/ j1 H+ n/ E+ Q% W& z329. Polls indicate that many prospective voters in the next presidential election are ________ about the outcome; they do not seem to care who wins.
5 k8 C* ?) w( R8 Z/ I- b) u3 y    (A) enthusiastic
. m  W1 l" j" n3 ~    (B) inadequate ! u1 S! q. _7 D
    (C) antagonistic - p1 {& V5 n3 a* q7 S1 ?3 i. U
    (D) apathetic 0 h5 y% A7 d7 g* P. [+ \4 U
    (E) suspicious
  w8 w# |# U, L+ T1 y, k  
3 g# A+ z' v# G) Y330. Pre-Spanish art in Mexico is not a ________ art; they are mistaken who see in its bold simplifications or wayward conceptions an inability to ________ technical difficulties.
) L" f: n# H' Q$ v2 {3 w( I3 b    (A) formal ... ignore
) @. p' J  t# \; l6 g" v" B6 x    (B) graphic ... understand
1 F# P2 F  `/ b% F- k! N9 t. u    (C) primitive ... nurture 1 `" f4 r& P6 @" ^  Q7 R% s: m1 q
    (D) crude ... overcome 2 [# E& G0 y/ o
    (E) revolutionary ... instigate
( g) s# F3 V1 QCCEDD

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