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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
311. Numerous studies have found that people who choose to represent themselves in court on the whole exercise pretty good judgment-they seem to have a ________ sense of when they need a lawyer and when they don’t.
$ ]" g4 G1 m3 x% h9 ^' W% p    (A) faulty $ c, |$ c5 V1 f, L& A+ l
    (B) capricious
$ j& W) c, |2 U) c( r    (C) reliable
5 m$ h! {; v! I3 t: D    (D) transient ; `# \9 g; b+ ]% J4 C
    (E) drastic
0 X- J) x; n( N3 y  7 t: }! V& \6 j, U
312. On some occasions Monteverdi specifies the instruments he wishes to make up his ! B; Q7 H3 z2 u4 J
orchestra, but more often he is ________ or silent on the issue. 6 N7 ]" x8 ^' A" W5 D1 J+ z8 \& e2 T
    (A) enigmatic
) y) ?( e# H! q5 i    (B) precise
: Y2 ^; |: X- W- X5 S    (C) eloquent
# P# Y1 q& e9 y* {    (D) resolute 4 v  y) H3 O0 N" h7 C! I
    (E) vehement
9 S5 [9 q% f; b$ j  + e4 A$ X: H3 h3 E& Z
313. One by one, she ________ almost all of her supporters until, at the end, only a handful of her closest allies really wanted her to stay in office. 7 b* i& |/ b; X% L
    (A) promoted                 (B) alienated 6 N- ~$ ?! B4 `& t
    (C) represented               (D) exaggerated
! W( D6 j% n4 Q$ d: q! h    (E) liberated : @- ~; x8 ?- {+ {; r
  6 d+ ^( p( Q' |; m" J3 |1 K# e3 e' ]
314. One might dispute the author’s handling of particular points of Kandinsky’s interaction with his artistic environment, but her main theses are ________ . ; \2 D$ n4 j: f: A5 c
    (A) unaesthetic
& j% _0 j. j0 K+ ^" M' U    (B) incongruous
8 ?8 C3 E+ V" N: v. k4 s. M* I, M    (C) untenable
) U! L; g$ N9 m% y: `    (D) undecipherable
) \& w& T9 b( Z1 {    (E) irreproachable
- ?9 y3 B/ L  z) B' c+ }1 j  |  
# ^% H' W3 a- r# a( M315. One of Detroit’s great success stories tells of Lee Iacocca’s revitalization of the moribund Chrysler Corporation, turning it into a ________ competitor.
; p5 O6 h9 q' L+ G5 C; h- @/ G    (A) vigorous
. l, Z' w' V% S5 |    (B) tentative
+ q4 b$ R% ^  p0 V    (C) marginal
' R8 e% ^  l7 G' P: w7 T8 h    (D) negligent ' v4 H/ F7 B: z% y" P
    (E) superficial
- h) Z& S* ^4 pCABEA

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