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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
306. No matter how ________ the revelations of the coming years may be, they will be hard put to match those of the past decade, which have ________ transformed our view of the emergence of Mayan civilization. * ~: F5 l% `: w
    (A) minor ... dramatically ' z( m. i. S3 ~
    (B) profound ... negligibly 7 t8 j1 |1 c. C. h" D8 {. Z" {2 e
    (C) striking ... radically : d- _' c6 A. N) j' S
    (D) bizarre ... nominally 1 G2 y9 S* h; P9 U
    (E) questionable ... possibly - \. z1 f! L* Z- m3 Z3 I3 m
9 m+ w% p. O. ]6 Y/ a1 H307. No real life hero of ancient or modern days can surpass James Bond with his nonchalant ________ of death and the ________ with which he bears torture.
6 c9 E/ f& c1 ?. V6 m; _* o! s    (A) contempt ... distress 6 {4 x1 o3 |& R3 v5 l
    (B) disregard ... fortitude 1 ?' u+ w& @# ?
    (C) veneration ... guile ( r0 k; U, d, }/ v% X* F
    (D) concept ... terror
* F) `" f/ o" t/ d, s6 P    (E) ignorance ... fickleness - P5 j+ V$ X; z& a, e3 g* Y
9 s7 ^7 Y2 U" d; X5 h308. No summary of the behavior of animals toward reflected images is given, but not much else that is ________ seems missing from this comprehensive yet compact study of mirrors and mankind.
  ]6 V; k# M9 r  o9 z4 J: H% j0 i8 o    (A) redundant , x+ ]; N, M# d9 d; W
    (B) contemplative
" h. {$ E3 k. u/ g' q, s) V: }    (C) relevant 9 f  t8 G' e" {
    (D) peripheral
9 Z1 r" Z- x& A    (E) disputable " v+ Z0 Z9 g3 `! z% g! }; V
" @- e7 e8 E6 f' r7 S309. Now better known for its racetrack, Saratoga Springs first gained attention for the ________ qualities of its famous "healing waters." . o" x4 H0 j: A5 x! N3 a
    (A) diagnostic 1 c) n( ^! N  L1 _2 M. j+ q8 h
    (B) commercial
1 j, k, l! p# O2 R7 k& d, J( a  P+ {    (C) therapeutic & u" r  h8 w8 [( H7 P9 p
    (D) overlooked & N$ e. W3 h, U/ p3 N1 n' \+ N
    (E) experimental
! S) h: ^7 `# f2 V  % S3 b" ?1 ?3 a; \* M) O
310. Nowadays life models`—men and women who pose in the nude for artists—seem curiously ________ , relics of a bygone age when art students labored amid skeletons and anatomical charts, learning to draw the human body as painstakingly as medical students learn to ________ it. ( N" m7 B/ U& Z$ c  b3 H
    (A) anachronistic ... sketch
) U% o2 D( c+ `    (B) archaic ... dissect 4 F% \6 J) a' v0 U7 R: o3 J
    (C) contemporary ... diagnose 6 r. G6 y  k1 T% e
    (D) stereotyped ... examine
% Y8 ^) c$ r3 I- N5 c    (E) daring ... cure

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