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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
426. The increasingly popular leader of America’s second largest tribe, Cherokee Chief Wilma Mankiller, has ________ the myth that only males could be leaders in American Indian government. 1 P9 O/ n* Z$ X; E" v- N0 x0 ^
    (A) shattered ' M3 m$ v- M. y( H/ h' k% i
    (B) perpetuated ! P4 Z4 B4 Z. Z( B2 P
    (C) exaggerated
; V* d0 \, g% W+ X' Q    (D) confirmed
- m7 v5 N4 l! `$ h$ m' V2 N    (E) venerated 7 ^4 f. Y, w# `7 V1 T; h6 N! W% O
  ) U5 D9 r- B+ V0 W0 N5 K5 p+ a
427. The jazz musician cannot play well if he is completely ________ , as if lying half asleep in a Jacuzzi.
2 Q+ b1 n+ k' [    (A) untruthful                (B) autonomous ( k/ x8 ~+ `! R
    (C) sincere                  (D) relaxed
8 q0 ?+ o6 ?3 P' u( |  K    (E) talented
$ r2 ~& Y9 h2 }% F" p# s4 a  # \- b' z+ t0 m) y8 \* I3 ?
428. The late James Beard was ________ with his time and knowledge—a ________ trait in the narrow world of food writing, a milieu notorious for its pettiness and infighting. " g. ]8 D6 Q; G5 x
    (A) unselfish ... common & ]- E6 n& i+ \/ X- j* {& W4 S
    (B) unconcerned ... standard & e! _( L+ o- i' Q' {2 v2 y' x& d
    (C) stingy ... remarkable ( D2 [0 M2 V& k* ]* ]3 v* R3 B
    (D) occupied ... negative
  O0 F! w8 @$ l, T7 s; ^6 J9 s    (E) generous ... rare
' V( {$ d+ o% a; ?  g  7 @4 ~5 B7 F: k$ i! S5 z
429. The likenesses of language around the Mediterranean were sufficiently marked to ________ ease of movement both of men and ideas: it took relatively few alterations to make a Spanish song intelligible in Italy, and an Italian trader could, without much difficulty, make himself at home in France. " u4 e1 s8 J: u' b+ m" T6 W
    (A) eliminate
( f( X$ e) C- C; C5 P    (B) facilitate
0 C3 v, y9 y9 L" W& D5 Y  D    (C) hinder 5 [5 `$ L4 j8 ^2 s3 s% ]
    (D) clarify
' i4 c2 z' I/ D: f1 M    (E) aggravate
- \( \2 m* ^) D2 K  
& h- j# F- L! `% |$ o430. The linguistic ________ of refugee children is ________ their readiness to adopt the language of their new homeland.
0 `, U7 e) o' w    (A) conservatism ... indicated by
) j2 \, c* d3 s    (B) inadequacy ... demonstrated by 3 F' {3 ^) D, ?9 w- I9 @; X" T4 a
    (C) adaptability ... reflected in & {1 T" c$ y# V" c
    (D) philosophy ... contradicted by + N6 W3 R0 F: ?+ {, a8 n
    (E) structure ... equivalent to
/ h& ]+ M# G7 H$ t* J; A  {! t  ADEBC

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