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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
421. The heretofore peaceful natives, seeking ________ the treachery of their supposed allies, became, ________ enough according to their perspective, embittered and vindictive. ) a* @, V: A+ H/ D6 N0 x0 ~
    (A) acquiescence in ... understandably ! d4 N4 I+ ?" d
    (B) magnanimity towards ... logically
* R: ^" F: ^2 h- `' R+ e$ r6 \    (C) evidence of ... impartially 2 `2 J: y9 e2 X% n' o3 d3 t5 z
    (D) retribution for ... justifiably + l7 x9 ]  K* e; S0 O( X( Q
    (E) exoneration of ... ironically 6 V: r3 L) n! g7 q# C1 u/ M
0 r3 d/ H/ T$ r5 s% x% U422. The humorist Mark Twain had a great ________ for history and historians, observing that each year the antiquarians shed new darkness on the past. ' }( _# @4 B  n5 b4 i' }0 @
    (A) reverence
: o( E" W* @" E! B    (B) affinity
3 N( s+ t) G: |- U2 @/ `    (C) tolerance
, Q7 \9 G" F. v( x+ p3 A& W    (D) contempt ; ], `& h3 A+ r) Y
    (E) empathy
" [' a7 b; U6 i* `  # N7 X+ m' g* t# G; C. S
423. The hypocrite ________ feelings which he does not possess but which he feels he should display. : M5 v* Z/ a; b. v
    (A) conceals
' U$ c$ x7 o9 `- {6 S5 f    (B) decries
4 b0 R0 d( E5 L3 L4 N) D    (C) betrays 5 j, c9 Q* \. g8 \5 I
    (D) simulates
5 R8 n6 P: I* R- z; T3 m    (E) condones
: f+ d% h+ Z1 ~% e, l  
9 }% U1 t% s; N' n! Y424. The idea that people are basically economic creatures, intent only upon their own material advantage, induces disbelief in the ________ of any ________ motive.
. }! ~5 {% Q' ~    (A) purpose ... natural
9 \- C* A* O- i    (B) desirability ... ulterior 1 K9 C" t- g4 |( h& J4 d  V3 h2 _
    (C) stupidity ... altruistic . L+ `8 G7 X* S9 `
    (D) seemliness ... egoistic % z8 O) w0 X3 i+ Y# c- B) a
    (E) integrity ... unselfish
1 c+ p: x2 z) A& g  
& P( q1 c8 i" F5 C* Y8 v8 G425. The incidence of smoking among women, formerly ________ , has grown to such a degree that lung cancer, once a minor problem, has become the chief ________ of cancer-related deaths among women,
0 p' j/ J8 D  u4 K0 i    (A) negligible ... cause
4 t8 Y2 {) m9 O) p; }8 C0 N9 E    (B) minor ... antidote 4 D$ O' \5 p* T/ H
    (C) preeminent ... cure
2 a6 s6 j) o( H( I$ C    (D) relevant ... modifier 0 B: I9 b, Z% b2 i$ x
    (E) pervasive ... opponent
/ b4 j: n; `  k* S DDDEA

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