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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
406. The college president made the ________ statement that no student athlete on academic probation, not even the top-scorer of the varsity team, would be allowed to participate in intercollegiate sports.
# y1 _. |. [  D8 G    (A) impertinent 8 _4 C' Y! j# J
    (B) uncontroversial
) e! ]+ e2 P, `    (C) opinionated
# l. P% m& J' R( O* Z    (D) categorical
# o) ~) k1 J7 n/ I- P) w" o    (E) equivocal
- z) P  W, _$ ?( l' _, n    ~0 p6 Q. T5 \3 H6 c
407. The columnist was almost ________ when he mentioned his friends, but he was unpleasant and even ________ when he discussed people who irritated him.
3 _* Z( Q9 u5 G: q6 s# M    (A) recalcitrant ... laconic
4 G; S2 z) ^; Z; e! W    (B) reverential ... acrimonious
+ q$ s$ A  P6 F9 N1 r! X    (C) sensitive ... remorseful ' q/ N! M$ y( B6 C) k
    (D) insipid ... militant # R0 I! n; V5 M
    (E) benevolent ... stoical % m0 u2 X  N3 q
/ `( ?! q2 ~3 L8 j: i' R, h3 B408. The commission of inquiry censured the senator for his ________ expenditure of public funds, which they found to be ________ .
6 t" h' E, C: r3 Q' I' V    (A) flagrant ... cursory # A% Y9 {6 A* Z: W! `
    (B) improper ...  vindicated
: g1 H) i, Q! Y7 o9 O5 j$ X" s+ F* Q    (C) lavish ... unjustifiable
. q8 S6 b" S- R; c5 l. N    (D) judicious ... blameworthy
! F% Y8 F) X, f) {% h$ h    (E) arbitrary ... critical   Y% ?  }; N' Z1 X% [& U+ K
  " N! v/ k5 p" x6 c$ i9 r8 t5 E& L
409. The contract negotiations were often surprisingly ________ , deteriorating at times into a welter of accusations and counter-accusations. - ?( ]- [, P, H( L2 D
    (A) perspicacious 1 @" e4 w+ l, Y6 f/ ~, r* K
    (B) phlegmatic + r1 T2 U; L( U4 N3 G$ }
    (C) sedate
' U8 }) F2 H2 A8 Y( m( |    (D) acrimonious
, F3 g/ {4 Q( _- R* z8 `, P- k& Q    (E) propitious
* x" x7 B* w6 ^. e" I  j+ \5 o  ! ]$ H7 S% @: d7 O' f
410. The critics were distressed that an essayist of such glowing ________ could descend to writing such dull, uninteresting prose. 2 h5 x% B) I! `3 t" l+ O
    (A) obscurity ) U8 E' O, ~0 q
    (B) ill-repute
9 E2 b3 @& f( n3 v0 w    (C) shallowness
: L8 |0 p9 w  n* R* o4 a    (D) promise
& `% P1 G8 ~6 i* x1 p3 G% f4 L    (E) amiability
0 k2 K* Y- r3 D: K1 f8 yDBCDD

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