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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
401. The book will arouse antagonism, disagreement, and animosity among theologians because it will ________ many ________ rituals and beliefs. - {/ E+ B9 y( _! \% q+ e
    (A) undermine ... iconoclastic 0 L; @8 O" }; a" M- p
    (B) tolerate ... accepted
& Q) |/ j( P! Z$ P0 y% b/ D    (C) disturb ... established / D3 ~* X) x2 i$ c$ H) C
    (D) disregard ... forgotten
) F' p0 o: K/ Q$ w' Y. p# J. k    (E) observe ... pious & m* W1 p! [: f( s! A( @9 o7 U- U; E
  5 ]$ W/ }, w: h! O: v1 E( {
402. The campus police who monitored the demonstrations had little respect for the student protesters, generally speaking of them in ________ terms. % @) ?9 N# r9 \5 B
    (A) hyperbolic
0 P8 n7 v: l; m% n    (B) euphemistic " d# ^; l) ~2 m7 c0 G2 L
    (C) pejorative . h0 u$ |" D+ v+ R& z" |% ?
    (D) derivative : J% }8 d8 x* K1 y$ y. Z
    (E) uncertain ' L; z0 {# |6 S$ [& G) W
  ! ]0 j5 d2 n7 l2 r1 L+ O
403. The child needed physical therapy to ________ the rigidity that had tragically immobilized his legs. 2 v  x# A  W5 U/ N
    (A) prescribe - E- X/ L0 ]" @3 Z) m
    (B) protract 3 O4 w9 d7 Q- v$ Q6 K: `* K' D
    (C) counteract
% e3 ~0 s" L7 ]1 q    (D) accentuate # v, E% ~, o4 @/ A$ R0 u- J
    (E) restore $ W0 Y- p1 i2 F2 w( t5 F( w6 v
0 S. J- I  z% g' q0 s7 t- t404. The civil rights movement did not emerge from obscurity into national prominence overnight; on the contrary, it captured the public’s imagination only ________ .
) P. |1 J  Z7 K2 e    (A) fruitlessly
/ P4 P2 ^8 ]# ]3 S! m7 H3 W9 C    (B) unimpeachably
5 q' z- z! C; x7 J; R; Y' M    (C) momentarily
* v; }9 V) e) C    (D) expeditiously + _. T! p2 q# R. |: V* Z/ s/ x& z2 x+ W
    (E) gradually
* ^4 W9 Z4 @) k/ `- E$ Y2 i) E% D; A  7 W  U9 J2 ]* o; k% Z$ ?5 d
405. The college librarian initiated a new schedule of fines for overdue books with the ________ , if not the outright encouragement, of the faculty library committee.
& W# q- \5 A6 S+ j* B7 ]2 e    (A) skepticism
" K. [+ P4 b& y9 W" e3 c    (B) acquiescence . B  x" w* |; n( H% q# V0 G; \
    (C) scorn / r6 r" B  u7 \" _/ N8 k
    (D) applause 1 h8 h) I3 k$ _) ~8 @
    (E) disapprobation & Y5 ~1 K8 c+ {/ |

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