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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题七十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
391. The articles that he wrote ran the gamut from the serious to the lighthearted, from objective to the ________ , from the innocuous to the ________ . * Y1 D' I2 }; @# T' D$ I; a
    (A) constant ...evil
* O% B3 U/ O. l    (B) casual ... realistic ; N6 W+ R6 q+ i% g- c- f" [9 ?# W
    (C) ridiculous ... remote 3 m5 Y1 a1 h2 S0 l5 k( V) V
    (D) argumentative ... hostile
% O% k7 c3 N, z: ?    (E) incapacitated … conditioned
, U& [5 {. |+ y# a2 T  
3 a9 C; q& d8 r1 a& w, Z& ?392. The artists of the Chinese avant-garde have used Western styles ________ and meaningfully to accomplish artistic ends of their own. 0 y* h9 Y6 i" M) j% T! k0 e
    (A) obsequiously
' w) a) g6 J. |    (B) shamefully
) r4 W" o" E3 H+ B0 G1 @4 }    (C) cannily ) T; e- f  u! D7 h% ?% \
    (D) fortuitously  
5 F6 E' F# f* o, [3 ?& p4 ?* |    (E) problematically 5 k- E8 Z% t: K% x$ g7 r+ ^2 e
  8 y9 o; I( [) @/ Q0 Z1 K1 g
393. The attorney’s vibrant voice and ________ sense of timing were as useful to him as his prodigious preparation, attention to detail, and ________ of the law.
2 Z) f1 Y9 H# f3 f3 A5 ~    (A) deficient ... conception ) w8 U( [# ^+ ?! b1 g, X
    (B) excellent ... ignorance
( Z" }- a1 w  q$ F2 d6 V; `# E    (C) shaky ... command & ~/ D# |* L( ?1 Z8 A! x
    (D) outstanding ... mastery 2 a2 ?! }+ K( J2 i: ]4 [
    (E) impeccable ... deprecation
6 a+ f& x, v5 M6 S7 ?5 A/ g  6 E# }9 o; U- `7 g4 X: F  u7 i4 v
394. The audience failed to warm to the candidate, whose speech contained nothing but empty promises, ________ , and clichés. ! h# C7 p/ ]# x- e  _1 @
    (A) candor                   (B) platitudes
9 k: }, G: X( h    (C) nuances                  (D) ingenuity 0 V/ ~4 b/ s1 n
    (E) threats % d! [) k, k! l4 Q7 l& I4 ^% }- m" e
" X! o9 D2 I5 l( z1 E/ L8 C6 P2 P8 r395. The bank teller’s ________ of the funds was not discovered until the auditors examined the accounts.
3 M- f* E4 X: H7 L4 }    (A) extradition
0 [$ M9 S, }% G7 q3 M    (B) embezzlement 9 u; g( z3 ]; r& E! \1 \7 |
    (C) patronage   i* Q' B* U/ ^5 T$ Q1 ~
    (D) subordination
$ t  {" V7 H' D5 a4 T( f    (E) verification
* ~/ d) |/ V5 p% _' [/ c8 \DCDBB

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