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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
441. The novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which effectively ________ the unfairness toward black people, was a major influence in ________ the anti-slavery movement.
) Y4 e/ c' K8 H- y* t' c* l  K    (A) portrayed ... strengthening ! A7 Q; z1 ]' |
    (B) attacked ... pacifying
* q5 e  q' ]& \6 `& H6 I    (C) glamorized ... launching
; w8 F+ N6 ?* `. f5 m7 S    (D) viewed ... appraising
* |( v) f8 p, j. ]3 K: j# X  ?    (E) exposed ... condemning $ i* i9 L+ g' h2 F
" K" ~7 r# N/ N: D8 f' p442. The number of black hawks has ________ because the encroachments of humans on their territory have caused them to ________ their customary breeding places. # y/ L; I+ Y% m
    (A) multiplied ... endure ; y& \! L' P7 l
    (B) extrapolated ... alter ) j$ j- L( H9 O, {+ Y
    (C) increased ... locate
$ k. X9 E3 K. D# G/ a4 u  d# g+ y    (D) diminished ... accept
) O) z3 y& u. @( Y    (E) dwindled ... shun 8 C- x$ s" J$ u1 p/ `
% b0 E0 v9 f1 N443. The observers hope to find out how important ________ foraging is to these endangered shorebirds in order to ________ the importance of restricting nighttime human use of beaches to specific places or times. - C; j' R  e5 G9 i  O5 W, B. {! ^  s- l
    (A) nocturnal ... ascertain 3 p1 p, _5 f: e0 Y
    (B) aerial ... convey ' |1 F# M% q* l8 i  R9 n6 V- i
    (C) underwater ... rectify ; c1 p3 }3 r, G2 f3 X$ e
    (D) sporadic ...  mitigate 7 _& t7 R% G9 U- Z5 q$ f
    (E) desultory ... mandate . i7 i' ]8 k( C5 M( v* y
5 l& z4 V# q: T444. The omniscient narrator stands above the story he is telling, ________ his knowledge of what will occur.
: x, q+ s% @$ Z) C3 |( ?+ K1 I. X2 Q    (A) disheartened by
' ~$ F2 A& [/ s) i/ v- f$ Z    (B) unlimited in ; n1 D2 T* J3 I
    (C) ostracized for # l" v4 p9 n, d
    (D) vindicated by
% Q6 H, Z: p: j# K3 o: V    (E) uncertain of # {3 I; |5 F5 g# J# v/ W# B
  & [# f2 y# B  k" W) i4 o/ m
445. The opossum is ________ the venom of snakes in the rattlesnake subfamily and thus views the reptiles not as ________ enemies but as a food source.
+ q$ H! I7 F. t( ~4 d8 D2 o    (A) vulnerable to ... natural
7 D3 ~- U* k: B) s  u3 a    (B) conscious of ... mortal ! l* R6 ?) N/ s; z" s2 j
    (C) impervious to ... lethal 2 N$ ?. B* G9 Z/ e; q' N
    (D) sensitive to ... deadly
; k8 V/ H4 V9 s$ @  o6 P0 ?% |    (E) defenseless against ... potential ( f7 M- Q9 f0 s% v' A- J

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