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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
451. The police feel that the ________ shown by the judges to first offenders unfortunately ________ many youngsters to embark on a life of crime.
2 n# f) B/ N$ E( V    (A) understanding ...  condemns : Y( Y6 A$ k: ~% w+ J
    (B) clemency ... encourages
7 L/ I4 u' o' K+ f9 _9 w    (C) harshness ...  predisposes
1 p$ y. F4 |# [$ S. x    (D) indifference ...  directs
- P" E) z4 I- d/ D' ]7 \- q    (E) intolerance ...  induces
9 J" ?# N' F7 v' z2 B% X: v! U  " Y# L) {0 y# r1 K: \( H6 ~
452. The president was ________ about farm subsidies, nor did he say much about the even more ________ topic of unemployment.
# |3 {: b  N! e3 Q    (A) expansive ... interesting
, `2 j3 S1 }) G! N+ m    (B) wordy ... important , c& R3 g( U4 V+ S5 Y/ Q/ d6 k5 B# E3 x
    (C) uncommunicative ... academic 0 K- Z1 i6 K( q' o6 f+ u4 F
    (D) noncommittal ... vital
  `2 `) W/ r8 S    (E) enthusiastic ... stimulating   S/ ^& @( l9 p
  ; T" ^: L5 s* H' z& e9 s
453. The quotation was erroneously ________ to a British poet.
$ h  y1 D! b. ?- ], x  G    (A) resolved
) F; l/ e8 A2 [% c( n8 ]    (B) attributed
% `9 P! h/ x6 W: K8 ~    (C) activated
* _8 i# ]6 k7 Q$ b9 h3 S& z/ o    (D) relegated ) J% b0 A0 P2 c
    (E) vitiated 8 o- x3 ~8 I0 f1 i# m4 Q
7 Q& U; O6 b: `: W( k' Z454. The reader has the happy impression of watching an extraordinarily inventive and intellectually ________ novelist working at the ________ of her powers.
+ Z+ y+ m# X* P6 F    (A) dishonest ... apex
& E, j! {8 I: P$ I$ A& u    (B) creative ... eclipse
2 H" A- `) T: D    (C) fecund ... height
% R' i" A) |+ v" Y    (D) effete ... limits ' R8 e2 h, n. v
    (E) amenable ... diminution
4 v4 S6 P8 _2 K+ A) R  
8 l. t1 A6 U( U! g( y455. The report was relentlessly ________ to the scientist, interpreting one complex event after another to his ________ .
  G& ^. g) ]* X; h! l. A( M    (A) magnanimous ... dismay
$ ]& U) m% d' g9 x- t3 g    (B) disparaging ... initiative
% V3 m9 m! C# L/ }+ G    (C) innocuous ... indifference ) v$ a! f# q) C; C
    (D) hostile ... discredit
8 W1 i2 u8 ^" C; D7 l    (E) obsequious ... detriment % M* I8 k( V# x' V% t: k+ K8 R

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