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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
456. The sea was so rough that the safest thing to do was to seize the railing of the ship and hang on; walking was too ________ a pastime. 7 K- m  l& n& M9 L5 K
    (A) leisurely
) P6 T3 @  ?* i( ~    (B) pleasant
6 F+ Z2 }/ s' U1 ~) c    (C) tempting / f) a. c2 S  R) ~: t8 X# u; H0 t
    (D) precarious
6 s& k( I5 o7 c    (E) prosaic
+ }  C5 h3 |' p  u. V5 m: `4 A) O/ W, @  
8 S5 U4 I, K. k0 H1 p4 E* s457. The selection committee for the exhibit was amazed to see such fine work done by a mere ________ .
) [/ C. _& K# k' s  z" K  M, P    (A) connoisseur
' J5 N. ?& Y' ?  \) P    (B) artist
, E4 L$ \3 Z8 t0 J# K    (C) amateur - U0 a2 o' ^! J. L, ^! l! I
    (D) entrepreneur
) k2 j% @3 w9 u    (E) exhibitionist 0 Z( ]( f4 W: C- U3 V' X
  / b. [, U4 x: ?5 R( `) j+ D9 d
458. The sergeant suspected that the private was ________ in order to avoid going on the  ________ march scheduled for that morning.
1 P- W, X  \* X6 Y8 G6 x; B    (A) malingering ... arduous
( ~' N9 V1 f5 I/ W1 y# E8 x; [. D    (B) proselytizing ... interminable " l6 Y, {% P; Q" e$ M. o
    (C) invalidating ... threatened ! H9 b( c9 o0 Z1 V4 t) @
    (D) exemplary ... leisurely 8 f5 r$ l, M: P
    (E) disgruntled ... strenuous " m! n6 J" y( `
  ! {9 q# d! b9 L/ U2 z! f* W
459. The seriousness of the drought could only be understood by those who had seen the ________ crops in the fields.
7 \9 o9 W1 {" J" p. u    (A) copious
" W; b6 J& R9 o3 O, N    (B) deluged
3 h( K  w0 P# _" G; G6 E    (C) wilted
" t6 b& O2 w! S4 J0 B" S2 [    (D) bumper . \7 k' h5 |: f
    (E) diversified
/ H; a1 a5 N; }( u) K& L( y* v  9 H# K* n0 I$ K) P
460. The seventeenth-century writer Mary Astell was a rare phenomenon, a single woman who maintained and even ________ a respectable reputation while earning a living by her pen. 2 b4 }: h5 u4 N' `- P
    (A) eclipsed
, E( k* }: `1 P& Q4 D/ N$ a    (B) impaired
" x) b# w3 B8 s) O, d1 \9 m    (C) decimated $ |. m, A# z% r2 c1 P
    (D) avoided 7 k3 u. M+ C6 ]& N' B
    (E) enhanced . }0 D  @# o9 A- ^6 O2 A& T6 S. K' w

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