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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
481. This latest biography of Malcolm X is a nuanced and sensitive picture of a very complex man, ________ analysis of his personality. ( w7 D7 d% }9 e# U- \
    (A) an ineffectual 8 E# ]* g6 v/ K% M
    (B) a telling 9 ~7 j0 c0 w1 ?
    (C) a ponderous
* {' z0 e4 I4 d7 U. z    (D) a simplistic
3 T0 L: u* D3 t* L4 W. N' S& C& R) k    (E) an overblown
  P( w) ^* i* I( @! ?5 b  
4 X0 v+ r# N5 B1 x482. This well-documented book is ________ researched, fluently written, and unfailingly intelligent in tracing the ________ course of its subject’s tormented career. 7 r& q5 R! \4 S! N- \
    (A) indifferently ... triumphant
9 f3 W& }0 b) X9 \; P    (B) inadequately ... unfortunate
& T2 |. I+ g' f0 o    (C) painstakingly... tragic + n) C) S6 q3 M. ~+ `  p
    (D) carefully ... auspicious
. h9 {9 h! [% _) G    (E) thoroughly ... promising % U. C& m. @1 h! n) p" V
% c0 v( P* r/ h! c$ J0 f483. This well-documented history is of importance because it carefully ________ the ________  accomplishments of Indian artists who are all too little known to the public at large.
# g3 M: E! ?" S+ \2 i0 w6 u" @1 Q    (A) recognizes ... negligible
! x- g5 t( }& t6 L5 }    (B) overlooks ... purported
" D- N2 b0 q7 A& {5 h: l* p    (C) scrutinizes ... illusory
$ e! R4 g6 h) m2 i* N, v) z    (D) distorts ... noteworthy
% ]* _# [* [8 }+ t    (E) substantiates ... considerable 9 E; v$ k1 q1 U! |- z/ p9 I, U
8 `* Z* r# r- j9 C$ |, U484. Thomas Jefferson called The Federalist papers "the best commentaries on the principles of government ever written," and two centuries later they still ________ as the most ________ statements of American political philosophy. - T% q+ T/ W/ n; c8 ^- Y
    (A) stand ... derivative . H' G/ M6 a% }& s
    (B) rate ... abstruse 3 o& a1 U6 f2 S7 A* i4 R
    (C) rank ... impressive
; l$ j' e( M+ `3 p( l4 l    (D) fascinate ... ambiguous   `/ H' x2 n- K' `
    (E) compete ... underrated
$ w; `" c( V' D' s$ m. o8 _  
2 L6 y( i0 F% q* {5 }485. Those interested in learning more about how genetics applies to trees will have to ________ the excellent technical journals where most of the pertinent material is ________. - Z: ?! d5 h/ [2 l' |- ?
    (A) subscribe to ... ignored / x* x# q; k- h; t
    (B) suffer through ... located 8 R1 B+ W  ~% I5 i! y# V' a% Y
    (C) rely on ... unrepresented
5 ^  s, ?: N0 r/ A    (D) resort to ... found $ Z8 b9 J! T; w; A
    (E) see through ... published : o: q2 w9 h  L$ t4 H; a: v( ^# R

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