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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题一百

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
496. Throughout his career he demonstrated strong belief in individual faith but powerful ________ about the organized church. ; r+ u/ g' m: q% G0 M
    (A) modesty
) S" O$ h# F/ Z" p& P    (B) skepticism * Q# \# A" g) ?" C2 ?9 [* m! d1 H6 o
    (C) devotion + R) T& p' R7 a! N
    (D) discernment
& W6 J3 v& Y7 F, q. R    (E) ambition
/ m2 `+ Y* _$ H* O: W8 N6 n  
4 X. O) m; U" g/ Y6 ?/ T497. To astronomers, the moon has long been an ________ , its origin escaping simple solution.
- L  U( R; @) r    (A) interval
8 l1 y, c3 ^. B0 [    (B) ultimatum
  e' C$ a4 k& V! W. b5 ]    (C) enigma
4 x+ f1 v' N6 q  u0 z    (D) affront $ @; \7 k7 E9 k7 p$ G
    (E) opportunity % t# i) m( Z& u" t2 y* d
  * ?7 ]  r" W/ `# G& ?: ]( V
498. To take a ________ attitude, looking down on others as one’s inferiors, often is to ________ any chance of favorable relations with them. ) I- v* h9 Y: m% L) C6 a
    (A) promising 晻?negate
7 k7 R, M: E7 o$ T) e    (B) patronizing ... eliminate & U# K2 \5 |  Q! \& F) o
    (C) modest ... reduce . h, w# R# S  l4 l
    (D) pertinent ... violate
& |* x: z( J" z* P$ g, m    (E) benign ... deny 0 [8 Y* }- n* f; ~" q) }7 m
( h/ }2 R: m% C5 ?" V499. Today employers no longer fire or discharge employees; instead, according to the latest ________, they simple "effect a separation."
& D& B2 b* }7 X1 ^    (A) digression
) [7 N8 Q1 e, k, \7 |, Q    (B) overstatement & m: |; y5 x% \; X7 f7 J8 U& E" i
    (C) euphemism 2 G# z. ~- q6 ^, i- J. f4 }- V
    (D) paradox
2 L( A0 |+ o; L3 i8 I% ]    (E) proverb $ R" r" A- T* ^' K4 S
  & f8 x6 Z- _. R/ K( _
500. Tom prided himself on knowing the latest news, the secrets of the rich and the poor; it ________ him that there was something he did not know about his friend.
+ g1 m: y7 P7 L. ?$ y/ h. n    (A) delighted
6 R% ^6 a: W' X2 u& V) P    (B) flattered
- @8 H' o8 I) e    (C) reminded
: i% K1 `9 \' r) v9 H" S. O    (D) galled / x0 }7 o* _& u, `: j$ q5 V$ ?
    (E) reassured : V' X) B( N1 E, A: T7 H

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