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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题一百零一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
501. Totem craftsmanship reached its ________ in the 19th century, when the introduction of metal tools enabled carvers to execute more sophisticated designs. 5 X- A0 {% V" H" W! L
    (A) roots 4 o/ N( d3 [, r: N
    (B) conclusion
  s" ^- P3 p7 a, k8 i( V    (C) antithesis
, D+ U; s+ g  p4 w9 K    (D) reward
' Y' q7 i4 ?. M& `$ |1 c# K1 A    (E) apex % ]; ~) r  F+ X- y3 Y
4 A  K9 m; {* W1 z1 V502. Traditional Chinese painters trained by copying their teachers; ________ was reserved for old age, when you might make changes so ________ that they were almost invisible.
8 G( v7 s" ^+ J, x* D$ o: i- [    (A) imitation ... ubiquitous
7 ?/ b+ d: _7 g    (B) emulation ... dramatic
: L4 x3 h. E7 ~# Z9 F: ^+ \# b    (C) novelty ... marked & O8 s8 s% n) N- h. o/ @7 T7 I
    (D) originality ... slight ( C; u0 I7 J, L& l: P
    (E) honor ... petty : V$ J/ a) F9 S# O/ e( O: w$ w
$ \+ S7 _* a8 m503. Trees native to warmer climates are genetically programmed for shorter, milder winters and are therefore ________ to both cold snaps and sudden thaws. # w! |- P  B: j' f2 z4 j; P
    (A) indifferent
% V. F5 i" b$ O+ w( b  x/ l9 K0 g    (B) restricted
* k5 b' \% Y, K& i" f  |% c% k: M    (C) vulnerable ; W- @; h5 F# z( t; T& K8 M7 y
    (D) accessible ' b" M3 |  i2 ]. g: j( ?
    (E) attributed 8 A8 D4 T; U/ U4 G2 o
/ L0 E$ z' j* U# O: s* c8 c- [504. Trying to prove Hill a liar, Senator Specter repeatedly questioned her ________. ! `; c( M( q. u8 r* v* k3 y5 R
    (A) intelligence       (C) optimism  
/ y/ S% r9 ?( r    (B) veracity          (D) autonomy
+ N/ V+ g2 |2 Y# J    (E) brevity / W6 j$ D4 W( ~& L
  5 p5 h1 C# ]. D% ~- G/ @7 Z
505. Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry, the princess ________, saying now one, now the other. ) ?8 ]! _+ b0 n: H  _$ a
    (A) improvised * a0 O" J( U5 `9 f. ]; i
    (B) vacillated
" L; @+ H& C' d+ _( `7 Q    (C) threatened 5 w) t# N( t  i, v* m" K4 A4 J$ I& C
    (D) compromised
! B5 i' O- ^, ^5 E    (E) divulged ! `! k  H8 S6 f$ [/ ^

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