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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题一百零二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
506. Under the rule of the foreign invaders, the land seemed asleep, save for a small group of rebels who sought to kindle the ________ nationalism of the people.
% ?, C9 F! m% }( Y1 o    (A) valid - |( G: c. I, G1 U7 ?
    (B) blatant . @* ?0 H) O, F: }
    (C) dormant 7 P; B7 B' t$ b& H. Z
    (D) pretentious - f$ ~. u4 @6 f
    (E) contemplated ! y0 W: t. d9 K4 d3 Y
  ; ]' ^5 X/ v* x: D& `' y
507. Unfortunately, excessive care in choosing one’s words often results in a loss of ________ .
4 j% c* h  V% t  l' Y    (A) precision
) O6 Z6 P% W+ h' A5 s  G0 g# B    (B) atmosphere
& C5 ^; ^( E2 S& s$ d& x. r7 P    (C) selectivity $ a  {/ G. p9 @5 ?5 W* E
    (D) spontaneity % s, A% j4 t7 E( g4 x% ?. o
    (E) credibility
* E/ _& V& i1 p0 R: T% V$ v; J1 o  
' n3 m( `9 n9 f& x$ ^7 t. [; [# i508. Unfortunately, in developing countries rapid economic growth often ________ the overexploitation of natural resources and ________ distribution of wealth.
6 x! z0 k: \/ ^0 ]    (A) halts … indiscriminate
/ k% z0 {! k% _  }# s    (B) holds off … inadequate / z9 s5 p! [2 H- p6 G: o& `
    (C) leads to ... inequitable + g6 q* \( r6 X% z. R+ g
    (D) continues … evenhanded
4 U/ V# ~8 f) d. c! g    (E) goes beyond … ungrateful - v1 T8 f9 [3 E, a$ ~! Z) [2 `
  / i1 K, p, W/ m) Y! D' b& \
509. Unfortunately, the current Broadway season offers some ________ fare that sounds markedly like imitations of previous hits. 6 m! @0 ?1 e4 A7 c7 t
    (A) epic # Z! l$ i6 r8 ~/ q' [# N$ B
    (B) radical
  b( @  h+ K, q* m6 s* c! l9 E    (C) formulaic
% t8 h4 m/ a: T% N* Q    (D) incongruous : t. p+ Q- D- c' E1 E. d
    (E) challenging % [) D# x/ e. x0 v8 D: q
  # V; h4 G- ~- \* f9 ^0 D  _$ O
510. Unlike Sartre, who was born into a cultivated environment, receiving culture in his feeding bottle, so to speak, the child Camus had to fight to ________ a culture that was not ________.
1 c; z6 |  ?5 H# t7 d    (A) acquire ... innate ; u/ s3 d6 C* z" q# p# p
    (B) encourage ... barbarous
+ l- G/ d6 q! [' v; U    (C) develop ... frivolous
8 p2 f5 b% O/ D* u$ R5 T( r    (D) restrain ... inferior
1 P8 L, ]$ n* n    (E) justify ... conventional
9 K* v3 F  _6 v) `/ {CDCCA

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