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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
436. The most consistent qualities of Forster’s novels are the human isolation and passivity in them; his principal characters stand slightly apart and ________ , but rarely ________ .
$ \( o0 S7 W& u8 |    (A) sneer ... collapse
3 Q4 V( a) U; ]9 x0 D) u7 A" _0 b. U    (B) interact ... adapt
, q# ?# T5 F+ r; X" }1 a6 [    (C) mourn ...  recollect
- ?& L3 J& ~  C0 g/ i    (D) observe ... act 4 w( `( j# F9 E/ O4 l5 b
    (E) domineer ... participate 6 |: F9 h, ^6 z5 K" L  H' N- Y' Z
437. The most crucial issue for wildlife in this arid land is unimpeded ________ water. % R$ ~6 _* s  |& N+ }) O3 e! q$ C/ r
    (A) passage through 1 J" y2 C+ K: q# z5 X
    (B) freedom from
1 ^& O, u" b2 \2 P5 p; k, x( c    (C) access to 3 W8 Y# f6 \  y2 W  e
    (D) saturation in
- Q- t) g  f5 U- z' o    (E) overflow of
$ g4 o% ~: J0 I7 w, ?6 M, g* X4 @& }  
9 I! ]/ J2 D2 ^6 o: ]438. The museum administration appears to be singularly ________ the comforts of its employees, providing an employee health club, a lending library, and a part-time social worker to help staff members with financial or domestic problems.
7 @) L! I9 o7 y    (A) ignorant of
/ e9 A8 z( d) c/ l    (B) indifferent to
: S* w7 R3 D+ _3 @: }" U    (C) attentive to # y9 J4 @# V  [" {
    (D) exploited by 9 I# {0 V5 f7 u; T* S  X. Q9 L
    (E) uninvolved in - I0 b  B3 @0 t* I$ ?
/ S: }( w( p) f! _# D439. The museum arranged the fossils in ________ order, placing the older fossils dating from the Late Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor. ) E' t2 G% M; E! a: R& X) B
    (A) alphabetical 7 K, J: O  V# R+ v* H
    (B) chronological
9 `0 m5 v4 P$ M# ]    (C) random
# F, q+ B- U% S) P; P    (D) arbitrary ' c) N" G' B" y, q; ^% E9 `
    (E) retrospective - r% V& M5 \  Z" ^
* u; a; O, H, `. k5 G440. The new dance troupe’s gravest problem, one that mars the current production, is a desire for correctness and technical accuracy that ________ both energy and technical accuracy that ________ both energy and musical response. + P3 U# {+ n) V( k' e2 p  \
    (A) enhances 0 M; c( @* A* [. P1 N
    (B) stifles
9 E( m3 V9 N. q$ m    (C) transforms 4 U) r5 s4 \' V$ ~( S
    (D) reflects
: C$ g) g+ r- e% E    (E) supplies
! ^6 Z" B  `# w9 o+ s' h DCCBB

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