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[GRE模拟] GRE经典题库:GRE试题7

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
19. According to the passage, late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century
! Y( O# x7 Y4 B+ d% m3 y, U
! K0 ^+ C# W5 f( T2 X+ z9 ]; {# I2 X  Chinese records are impor- tant for which of the following reasons?
& l0 ?0 A7 u$ e" w, d0 V' j* f6 S 1 b- e/ L; x" [, R5 R& J
  (A) They suggest that the data on which the Maunder minimum was predicated ! V/ ^1 b1 K) T
5 g) k) \9 N4 h8 H/ k. F
  were incorrect.
6 s, F  Z4 F( J0 c9 a5 A/ x) I , ?/ \3 g7 x/ T# D1 Y
  (B) They syggest that the Maunder minimum can- not be related to climate.
" s% U7 h0 n% x' Y" s) z 2 u$ q+ U! }. E( k9 X( |; y
  (C) Thcy suggest that the Maunder minimum might be \-'alid only for Europe.
7 c( l/ p" ~* k9 n. q* O+ f" ? ! ^6 x+ l& a* E
  (D) They establish the existence of a span of unusu- ally cold weather
. |* r% `/ w1 D4 Z5 F 5 s$ n5 Y, n& W8 n
  worldwide at the time of the Maunder minimum. " K' E5 C9 s! K0 L2 j& t
* y  e) m' D) |, K: J
  (E) They establish that solar activity at the tirne of the Maunder minimum
' ]4 c8 [+ f+ M( C9 A, D( g + ?! p) g7 A2 W) J3 [( `
  did not significantly vary from its present pattern. & f0 w4 w1 O& S; ~
; K: o6 {, |. K, Q
  20. The author implies which of the followine about currently available
5 K+ H: d7 ?" j 1 T/ x1 ~. t# O! x8 H' k' w
  geological and archaeoloeical evidence concerning the solar-activity cycle?
, M5 ?% s3 g: h. V
$ Z; q1 S# F* g7 T' |) a" z3 ?  (A) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 37-45.
! r4 R1 g" n% |. E# w 7 t# w1 l7 K/ L; T  `2 g, m9 v" g; {
  (B) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 45-52. & |1 u% b1 M. |: s% k7 f

- r( u1 `: P% j5 |  (C) It is insufficient to confirtn either model of solar activity described
8 n, W1 c9 k, S9 q
1 P5 G, ^* {; u' C; j  in the third paragraph.
: z* }6 F0 ^2 H; Q& W2 {5 ^ 0 z: Q* ?! I! p2 }
  (D) It contradicts both models of solar activity as they are presented in ) y( j) E/ ?) {8 v
, g2 s" F" ~7 R/ |; R' g
  the third paragraph. 2 x$ E0 o1 t2 C% z6 q/ U

' N  e8 }) e* n  T: X% A* g3 C. I  (E) It disproves the theory that terrestrial weather and solar activitv are / z7 l+ Z" p2 D

& K8 b4 ^& Q' [' {5 Z% k% E2 u  linked in some way. % g  i2 q' J0 `( a& ]4 o
) A) M# T! n; K3 H9 J' [' s
  21. Tt can be inferred from the passage that the argu- ment in favor of the
; g! J; z3 C+ a' U
1 x0 W( m. \# Q8 |8 q5 }. `. A  model described in lines 37- 45 would be strengthened if which of the following
0 {0 M. L0 K9 D( z! a- H) n
+ v; S1 D. U( m: `: Y  were found ta he tme? 5 ?& b8 ~5 x; ]+ T
: P7 P; m6 F8 {4 z
  (A) Episodes of intense volcanic eruptions in the distant past occurred in 8 `  I1 A$ i7 J* F- `: z

# _. }& j& t' [0 x$ X  cycles having very long periodicities. - V2 ?2 B. r4 D5 @

7 i( X# d% V6 w9 E, h5 L4 c  (B) At the present time the global level of thunder- storm activity increases ; f8 ^) `3 u$ _/ ~, j+ e
6 ~* n. S6 h( y0 ~9 m
  and decreases in cycles with periodicities of approximately 11 years. + H! W& O  L! K# \% R& Y; i

! l, d. T6 N# L$ r7 n# X( ?  (C) In the distant past cyclical climatic changes had periodicities of longer
8 ]& m* L3 C, n; [ ) x  G* u" |) A6 w9 P1 n" O' X
  than 200 years. 4 `' L, a1 F' B% D# E+ n
/ o6 k3 v4 w* z% X- R9 n
  (D) In the last century the length of the sunspot cycle has been known to 0 P  X1 h( l% t* M2 D( n, `, b
" w( E6 N8 Y8 M; f* i0 l: W
  vary by as much as 2 years from its average periodicity of 11 years.
8 H9 u# l/ ]! X1 X9 D" Q9 Y 1 v; B) e. i& o
  (E) Hundreds of millions of years ago, solar- activity cycles displayed the & a7 P5 `* m  e' H: e: K  f" V
( g* I7 ]; x8 K( N2 P8 Y3 z1 f
  same periodicities as do present-day solap-activity cycles.

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