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[GRE真题] 新gre成都2011年9月3日作文真题

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2011年9月3日成都新gre机考作文真题   以下是gre考生参加2011年9月成都新gre机考作文的题目,并且附注了他所参加考试的考点信息,希望对其他新g考生有所帮助。
1 v& v+ w& y; p# r- P  考试时间:2011年9月3日
/ S! P7 w  {( X5 h  Q& o  考试地点:成都电子科技大学, ^4 v: X% T, n) r  `
8 o. X: B" c) C% a  Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.5 Y! ?' U0 H9 ?% H, h; G
' B% P3 B! [6 Q$ D( S  The following appeared in a memo from the owner of a chain of cheese stores located throughout the United States.
" t6 H, j! W. ~. l& @4 Q  "For many years all the stores in our chain have stocked a wide variety of both domestic and imported cheeses. Last year, however, all of the five best-selling cheeses at our newest store were domestic cheddar cheeses from Wisconsin. Furthermore, a recent survey by Cheeses of the World magazine indicates an increasing preference for domestic cheeses among its subscribers. Since our company can reduce expenses by limiting inventory, the best way to improve profits in all of our stores is to discontinue stocking many of our varieties of imported cheese and concentrate primarily on domestic cheeses."

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