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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. When an oppressed group revolts against a
5 L* N7 a6 j9 p8 m1 \- [$ wsociety, one must look for the ---- forces
& ~! M- J- Q7 T! d) O! r- O% f" Bthat led to the group’s ---- that society.3 c) k6 J. O+ L+ u
  (A) disparate .. acknowledgment of " Z: `1 g; f/ T5 T2 Z8 F0 @
  (B) specific .. dependence on 4 R1 ], m& ?+ Q9 ~  L% z2 |
  (C) altered .. redistribution within ; _) A! i9 @& k
  (D) focused .. interference with 0 f" ^7 K; C  ^1 Y2 z; O' J
  (E) underlying .. alienation from   g9 |1 c5 K; P
2. Every novel invites us to enter a world that is
6 n, l7 q$ G# ]* Q/ E$ B2 Binitially strange; our gradual and selective orien-. d7 z' W1 X6 c0 u/ _% ]
tation to its manners---- infants’ ---- to 2 A7 u) I3 ^) z3 I6 {$ @" W* Y
their environment.( U% f5 L- g* v2 f& H  N
  (A) imitates.. welcome
# Q  O! H$ C7 w# ]- z# W  (B) completes .. introduction
1 z0 o: h6 K4 `. l; L9 K  (C) resembles .. adjustment
# {0 Y1 m0 G0 [- I( d( ]- j* Y  (D) alters .. blindness 5 Z% J" J3 |. ~
  (E) reinforces .. resistance

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


3. Superficial differences between the special </p>  problems and techniques of the physical sciences ) @/ C7 s! U  e, s
and those of the biological sciences are some-
/ x& t/ N) |' E' g$ Atimes cited as evidence for the ---- of biology
* H& |- W  \8 j, L* `/ z; t$ Gand for the claim that the methods of physics
2 S& B! w0 i- K6 ]are therefore not adequate to biological inquiry.
, f6 B* V1 K, i1 F  (A) autonomy
8 m8 P- j/ z( |9 w* v, D" L1 s/ \- A  (B) vitalism
! E% N. F4 }* J9 I# \( \  (C) purposiveness
  i+ F( F7 P! o" J! N( F  (D) obsolescence
' Y4 }. S( S. A. P9 y  (E) irrelevance
9 k/ n: }9 K% d0 q/ e0 J 4. As the creation of new knowledge through - `' N& q5 s6 ?8 ]5 r
science has become ---- resistance to innova-# h) w  p. W$ g* M( \7 v2 S% j3 ~
tion has become less ---- taking the form of
# _# C  }, K9 g( j5 s' ?8 p1 \inertia rather than direct attack." w" m" O4 ?1 g8 y# h. M+ Y
  (A) controversial .. sporadic
- y3 E& A/ D) c+ ]  (B) institutionalized .. aggressive0 k" h+ V0 G: G
  (C) essential .. effective
6 Q! S2 f% }8 z4 W9 q3 U5 ?; b) m  (D) public .. circumspect + c4 ]& G+ a) a8 a9 x% E1 w+ I
  (E) suspect .. lively 8 e/ E3 o7 I& `+ r
5. Lizzie was a brave woman who could dare to
- C' j/ {3 a# }+ s( ]9 o  incur a great danger for an adequate ----.
; E. d) p/ |' `8 a" M- @- `  (A) risk # {! S' |( h4 i
  (B) combat
" g9 ]3 B3 b% _" y5 G0 S  (C) object . h3 P% C6 W2 k3 D1 Y
  (D) event . N) C  g' ]$ o) Q  |
  (E) encounter 6 [- h; \/ I1 b, o" ~! s/ _
1.E 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C
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