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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The energy contained in rock within the earth’s  
0 f& X; B( Z0 p. tcrust represents a nearly unlimited energy source, but  $ m0 N6 e! S2 ?, W
until recently commercial retrieval has been limited to  , G% y8 s2 o% K
underground hot water and/or steam recovery sys-
  h* D+ v+ ~- Mtems. These systems have been developed in areas of  
) {" o" b: w+ X1 l, E5 B1 ^recent volcanic activity, where high rates of heat flow  : q% n) x3 g9 t
cause visible eruption of water in the form of geysers  
8 x9 x0 z. e6 F+ J3 Iand hot springs. In other areas, however, hot rock  " ^* E8 t# A: J6 l+ v: {, ?3 ?
also exists near the surface but there is insufficient  ! J) w, ~; ^& G- w) X5 F8 `4 k: P
water present to produce eruptive phenomena. Thus a  ! F' ]0 Y1 e# |. T
potential hot dry rock (HDR) reservoir exists when- 0 h" J' v9 ?: d$ u3 U4 r8 {
ever the amount of spontaneously produced geother- $ d/ V6 ^' X' h6 d$ k* Z+ g
mal fluid has been judged inadequate for existing  
( m, K6 P5 R9 v7 F  h8 R7 Ncommercial systems.
9 T' f# c4 M' p. B! P   As a result of the recent energy crisis, new con- 3 \0 `5 t3 f* E1 ^( N
cepts for creating HDR recovery systems—which  8 J' q& N# |$ @( r0 o9 ]4 o: V
involve drilling holes and connecting them to artificial  1 `0 H8 H/ \" u0 |2 `0 f
reservoirs placed deep within the crust—are being  
" R- L4 `2 i" r: |/ C1 {developed. In all attempts to retrieve energy from  
% G5 [. G" |) U: v  B# wHDR’s, artificial stimulation will be required to create  
/ U" o; @: G( b% m' Ceither sufficient permeability or bounded flow paths  
  R- ^# z/ X8 m. d. R" f! n- i+ _to facilitate the removal of heat by circulation of a  , w7 P$ N& v2 @3 }8 k) w/ L
fluid over the surface of the rock.
& h! g! w8 j& |3 C: W   The HDR resource base is generally defined to  2 m/ c1 a4 y+ G
include crustal rock that is hotter than 150℃, is at  
  T5 p7 q6 }; o' o" t7 b3 Fdepths less than ten kilometers, and can be drilled  
' G( z" z+ y, \with presently available equipment. Although wells  
2 ~1 {1 ]  O1 ]deeper than ten kilometers are technically feasible,  / S1 }8 B- }" H1 L: N  g
prevailing economic factors will obviously determine  
  m0 ^; o3 M; L& a% S& p2 Athe commercial feasibility of wells at such depths.  : ]/ R( F* I" ?
Rock temperatures as low as 100℃ may be useful for  " i! H' [7 q& S! I
space heating; however, for producing electricity,  4 r  f; T# l- h) B. E
temperatures greater than 200℃ are desirable.  * I0 a  H& D4 L% i3 k0 P
   The geothermal gradient, which specifically deter- % S" }, m* i) Y0 K
mines the depth of drilling required to reach a desired  
' ^. E/ F& f- {; f: r7 rtemperature, is a major factor in the recoverability of  
# `+ q; c( F; }* T0 Ugeothermal resources. Temperature gradient maps  
2 Z/ G( S# ]/ `' m4 j6 ogenerated from oil and gas well temperature-depth re- 7 F8 ?# T" I6 D& y8 W- _+ Y) y$ o
cords kept by the American Association of Petroleum  ! \0 G% s. _4 G1 W
Geologists suggest that tappable high-temperature  & o" Y) Z' z" j4 }4 d: u
gradients are distributed all across the United States.  
" k& M  h# w; @! M; }$ M(There are many areas, however, for which no tem- 5 }0 u  }3 J' B; K# R, L
perature gradient records exist.)
$ I3 f- S% h4 }# y9 ~& h$ V4 T   Indications are that the HDR resource-base is very  
0 n4 u( l% V6 x5 {5 x) plarge. If an average geothermal temperature gradient  
7 {; Q* h5 z2 l; L9 _! n3 Uof 22℃ per kilometer of depth is used, a staggering  0 J5 g: h( K9 r9 G- \% ~
13,000,000 quadrillion B. T. U.’s of total energy are  $ e1 n6 J: |0 [2 v3 d3 F" [# Z
calculated to be contained in crustal rock to a ten- 2 [, O& m% C. J$ i" W# B
kilometer depth in the United States. If we conserva-
, m1 ?+ R- ~5 O5 ?tively estimate that only about 0.2 percent is recover- , ~' r! ?7 n& L) I; g6 j6 W: G
able, we find a total that is comparable to the esti- . I/ a: ?) B3 Q4 S
mated resource base of all the coal remaining in the  5 C$ q7 k0 G+ {$ Y+ S
united States. The remaining problem is to balance  
4 i2 ~- S  h6 F8 C. _the economics of deeper, hotter, more costly wells and shallower, cooler, less expensive wells against the value of the final product, electricity and/or heat.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


21.The primary purpose of the passage is to  5 ?6 |; D5 n4 ?6 g* i7 Q( \) y
   (A) alert readers to the existence of HDR’s as  
; m9 h; Y$ c1 m/ p+ @3 m     an available energy source  
+ f8 u9 p( A3 S0 l, A   (B) document the challenges that have been  
8 c9 r( p# U2 K( i- T9 y     surmounted in the effort to recover  : U( s( ?! _# L+ q* D# ]6 q# ^
     energy from HDR’s  
+ O$ D4 C, ^6 n5 S% z# Y$ e   (C) warn the users of coal and oil that HDR’s  ; d, ^7 Z7 B1 B+ D$ O
     are not an economically feasible alternative  
0 ]: G  p6 B1 o/ E4 R0 R% O   (D) encourage the use of new techniques for the  
6 N7 `( ?/ O, ]" [        recovery of energy from underground hot  9 _1 x2 R6 _7 V0 `( B8 W3 A
        water and steam  
$ r3 I7 {) Z9 h( g/ Q1 f7 T   (E) urge consumers to demand quicker devel- ! u- t$ J' A- r6 v' i! d
        opment of HDR resources for the  
) _2 C' ?- J4 B  T     production of energy  " E) p/ ~; }1 h& \" d
  # j% k+ v) d- N+ `# `
22. The passage would be most likely to appear in a  0 Q% P) ?, ]; H/ D8 V6 k# I
   (A) petrological research report focused on the  4 n; a6 X1 K; l, D5 ]7 c& N: ^
history of temperature-depth records in  4 P* s" v& H  w# b/ s
the United States . P( x. J" a, i
   (B) congressional report urging the conserva-
! A3 c# B% N8 {4 w3 mtion of oil and natural gas reserves in the  " w" ]& p: \8 Z& v- a' [
United States  
, P9 I% P4 ~# _   (C) technical journal article concerned with the  
/ ?9 M3 q5 X) u; yrecoverability of newly identified energy  
" ?  C- M8 f* _8 Jsources  
  Y+ ]; y! h( k. _; t) `2 r1 j1 k: @# P' o   (D) consumer report describing the extent and  0 v2 f2 \/ D  H2 `% ~, B, C$ l
accessibility of remaining coal resources  % e+ V  e) p/ j6 ~9 i1 B
   (E) pamphlet designed to introduce home- * ~0 E  F9 m) J4 f% h5 S5 l# O4 ^
owners to the advantages of HDR  
* K- ^, Z: S9 e% zspace-heating systems
' h5 D$ q9 b4 H+ Z  E$ O+ b9 b  $ ]; ~+ w2 n& j/ Z+ s# Z' ~- t
23. According to the passage, an average geother- * v+ L8 y  }* i; W
mal gradient of 22℃ per kilometer of depth can  
' Y! f. i* K1 \- |' X8 z3 |be used to  3 R$ E0 {& P0 k
   (A) balance the economics of HDR energy  3 n% c6 T: C8 k
retrieval against that of underground hot  0 K2 A8 r# \. V$ K
water or steam recovery systems
# A( ]# v6 O5 E% s* K   (B) determine the amount of energy that will be  
' g- Y; H+ |! F8 K" b* Bused for space heating in the United  , G# }' x' Z* W. n' v+ p
1 H* x% d9 @. M6 ~% a$ @0 @. D   (C) provide comparisons between hot water  
$ h+ r, Y( b; @; Mand HDR energy sources in the United  ) G6 q8 N+ `) H5 l- f
6 F1 B1 P# i( J   (D) revise the estimates on the extent of  * U. O/ _' J- x9 z8 `) m; l$ E
remaining coal resources in the United  
3 _3 _5 F% h0 V4 v$ L$ N1 NStates & a5 \" h3 ]  S
   (E) estimate the total HDR resource base in  
$ M) _+ F  r& m; q0 i2 M5 Zthe United States
; p) M' E2 p! |  t8 {3 y( A  
* T6 `- k% K4 \3 d: E24. It can be inferred from the passage that the  
4 A) J! i' A; p0 Pavailability of temperature-depth records for  8 G# d! v9 m5 t% F3 Z3 ~
any specific area in the united States depends  
' X# Z: S  h( P& Gprimarily on the  ; X* \) l2 I& X7 A4 `3 _; x. h& K- K
   (A) possibility that HDR’s may be found in  
+ E' Z( v+ j' J4 H& r: I3 Fthat area
. f' N2 \5 |; N  V9 Z   (B) existence of previous attempts to obtain oil  
+ X+ U# \% G( l/ {& G3 Q" }or gas in that area  & @2 M$ z0 A$ X/ g# \7 T
   (C) history of successful hot water or steam  
/ g& w) S7 `8 I7 K8 {" v  j; Mrecovery efforts in that area
, U) Y! K1 e! M% p5 Q) R   (D) failure of inhabitants to conserve oil or gas  , K; @8 U  U! F& a# a
reserves in that area : |+ {4 ~) L8 F: i
   (E) use of coal as a substitute for oil or gas in  
5 s6 o! U8 r  Mthat area
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


25. According to the passage, in all HDR recovery  
0 {1 x' {! z7 M5 Q0 ?" ^: q/ Csystems fluid will be necessary in order to allow  
- \* Z; h, q! g6 P& V8 m   (A) sufficient permeability
) c, V5 l  t9 w: ]6 `' |3 Z   (B) artificial stimulation
4 t) C# V& a* H8 g: p4 E   (C) drilling of holes 1 @9 O; L( d4 p& ]2 \1 F+ b
   (D) construction of reservoirs 6 b1 \+ C- B! w8 N# Z6 F. W. G6 L
   (E) transfer of heat , W5 H0 m5 X- a8 ]# L" Z
  1 S& s. s7 M( {
26. According to the passage, if the average geother-
+ I8 q% u  @4 t% E* V' g" Wmal gradient in an area is 22℃ per kilometer of  ( e& ~5 n* m, d# @2 T8 B; p
depth, which of the following can be reliably  ; @. Y* n7 h7 x" w0 c: L( N  x* n3 t
9 f$ B" Z+ a1 V, T2 r   Ⅰ.The temperature at the base of a 10-kilo- 0 p' {7 ^. T* ?6 |
meter well will be sufficient for the  
4 K2 k+ @; }* W( F; j! e2 K1 r; j9 _production of electricity. % O" u) c, p$ Y! Z+ q
   Ⅱ Drilling of wells deeper than 10 kilo-
9 N2 d0 T: l0 U& F2 q1 z( Fmeters will be economically feasible.  
7 Y  U  V8 \8 P- \% J( r% @" i* H- w   Ⅲ Insufficient water is present to produce  
5 k, k5 f3 W% c( `3 B      eruptive phenomena
* e" F( O# t5 ], h5 @/ ~   (A) Ⅰ only  
3 u; o/ z% Z8 {8 l5 E7 q   (B) Ⅱ only  
+ K2 X8 p2 h3 Y   (C) Ⅰ and Ⅱ only  
: e1 b* C0 w* }- N& h& _7 F$ {   (D) Ⅱ and Ⅲ only  % p: h, i  [* b5 E& E# y& u9 n
   (E) Ⅰ.Ⅱ. and Ⅲ  
; B& X( I/ a; C  
) b" R( ~1 }, I/ \6 e: _: F( _/ r27. Which of the following would be the most ap-
# F* `6 |6 Q. {- ]  R+ Spropriate title for the passage? ' O0 \1 y& a7 `) H. {- r
   (A) Energy from Waters Sources: The  6 h5 L7 z' _9 N7 N& n: D; J8 }6 k
     Feasibility of Commercial System
# _' }* t0 ?( ]8 \; U   (B) Geothermal Energy Retrieval: Volcanic  
: Z$ J$ `' O" c5 F0 f     Activity and Hot Dry Rocks  : U6 X6 X! Z6 X( h
   (C) Energy Underground: Geothermal Sources  
" o, ?* t& S! j# @, g! J     Give Way to Fossil Fuels  ' r% P& k- g! t* F
   (D) Tappable Energy for America’s Future:  
$ `# `9 o6 s! ~- I. Q      Hot Dry Rocks  
8 t! t) Y7 T  f- ]   (E) High Geothermal Gradients in the United  
( Y8 \( J: h; t0 m     States: Myth or Reality? ) h0 M4 s* Z% b0 a% H
. }# m$ K0 z- L  V( N; D28. INCENTIVE:  
6 W4 b( k7 V6 B' L9 y; p2 M   (A) agreement  
0 _2 J% ^- [) M! v0 S7 v   (B) doubt  $ S0 d" X3 e" Z2 T/ ~6 Q
   (C) deterrent  
8 V7 D6 s% d* c+ f9 ~   (D) complement  1 G; k- X. N$ Q2 B5 {
   (E) negotiation  
, [- h2 r6 D2 v( v6 X/ b2 C2 H9 _9 \  ) y3 R# t! |, P% E# p0 J: p
" c# X2 L2 A$ c   (A) indifference  
3 {& P, b, N/ f3 _, z   (B) chastity  
4 H* A+ z) a/ W   (C) sobriety  & M# c# e0 W7 |& h: h
   (D) timidity  " q0 n- f' e3 g0 s+ x! m
   (E) distress  
) P2 X% V% k& n% K  ( |" ^) A6 i. a8 i5 Z- S( `0 G  p
30. AGGRAVATE:  ( t  N% X" i7 O& D. ^5 {
   (A) disperse  
1 W/ j% l/ P- c2 X' E8 G   (B) alleviate  4 U$ l9 O' ?' l. N0 c
   (C) heed  : B3 X& ]8 k5 I/ L
   (D) render bland  
9 d* `# f" `; v$ b   (E) make equal  ) t6 b! r7 j) M4 [0 |" Y6 A
2 w. n% B3 d/ W+ Y) m* s0 }& ~31. IMPLAUSIBLE:  ! v) H5 T! z8 F8 [: B
   (A) admirable  # D& _$ }) W( w/ [$ O
   (B) believable
$ i8 p# j1 d! F0 u* G# t# s   (C) controllable " M/ ~. {* a, r. H0 j. @
   (D) extremely practical  ! D0 `* v: _+ w5 U! l
   (E) carefully considered  9 c9 V* M$ p2 }  W! j
& k: |' i) M& O6 D32. ANTIPATHY:  8 X% w) T8 h2 [" q0 Y  q  o% P; O
   (A) decorum  
1 Q& d( a) r8 F7 j! [6 u2 z   (B) benevolence
" F9 K9 D' ?0 d) {, Z   (C) proximity  % @8 \7 I6 P* i% I. L% J# a
   (D) free will
4 `5 h# o0 O, q: O   (E) high spirits
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:23 | 显示全部楼层


; x, |2 X0 u# a6 B) _   (A) complicate  
6 b1 c  ~& K& t* R  d& r' L0 C   (B) absorb  
6 F/ n. i  @- }- H- R; e   (C) induct  # H+ V. [# b6 I$ u8 x: W
   (D) entitle  + y5 _& m9 @0 i) e
   (E) entangle  , Q* A3 s+ I5 ~- [
. R5 a1 G2 C: I! I34. MORDANT:  
) w( f* V' y4 r* f% Q+ b( K   (A) uninteresting  , U& h& i9 D7 k( e: s# q9 U
   (B) supine
4 g/ Y# B$ ?# o5 ]   (C) genial  
( m2 u( }/ B% q3 Y) r4 @! G- R   (D) given to silence  ! ~, b. d/ _+ e  ?
   (E) highly emphatic  2 R* ]$ A) s# d; j! z% I. _% h& v
  ' Q" {* P5 Y+ a2 n' e* N
35. GLUT:
5 N- V2 J" J* J3 b   (A) dearth  6 Y9 X% k6 a; G" B) U  \2 D! l
   (B) limit ! c; N) Q( @+ `
   (C) void
( I% w& m9 N' E8 N9 a; q   (D) supply 0 U1 o( I( h5 ?5 a/ a- m5 |: U! x  R
   (E) drain  
* }- K7 q$ A* x0 P  P- q- m' u  
' R. ?: y) S( r36. DISCRETE:  
2 p3 ^9 L/ }3 a+ |3 P1 b5 Z   (A) continuous  # L: c3 l6 ^; |; y7 [5 f+ H
   (B) magnified  
6 B  c( i  h* r. u( s   (C) tenuous  / Q4 @' f$ \7 q2 Q6 \
   (D) contradictory  
/ o# w" R1 ?# ]. w8 R( h0 b5 {   (E) ambivalent  6 z$ \5 C9 M( V+ N4 ^% Q$ B
  4 }. {! O. N4 @6 Q9 H4 d" k$ Q
  |2 M2 i/ h7 j- f   (A) arbitrate  
; h& J! ?% l8 e: }, f   (B) clarify 2 Y/ u8 e/ W; ^/ Z% t& ~
   (C) seek refuge  
6 K  k2 x$ x9 D7 v: n   (D) arouse hostility  0 f' _# b! R, P5 j$ c0 h
   (E) disagree violently  
$ Z' e8 a6 i! g4 W  ! c: u3 T; d- d) |: K/ _0 O
- d) B( H) [0 {, V   (A) ensconce
+ r6 U3 ?8 C  o2 E. r) [' y1 Y   (B) engage  
5 S6 W/ [' q$ N0 V   (C) enfetter  2 H3 d; m' }* ^, a; b' S
   (D) deflect  # H3 \& ?# \" u, y5 u; Y
   (E) depose </p>28.C 29.A 30.B 31.B 32.B 33.E 34.C 35.A 36.A 37.D 38.C
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