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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Four legal approaches may be followed in at-
, n* @# e1 E6 ^# g; Dtempting to channel technological development  
' X8 {& W. j0 A* yin socially useful directions: specific directives,  
) n0 h" n1 V1 S) T- ymarket incentive modifications, criminal prohi-
9 D4 i( H, w/ U: ] (5) bitions, and changes in decision-making struc- 1 O( ?! T" |4 _% w% X
tures. Specific directives involve the govern- ( e2 F+ S3 K$ }+ ]; q
ment’s identifying one or more factors control- ' }/ d6 V" j$ e
ling research, development, or implementation  ) }' Y+ F# w+ E# Q+ F7 n
of a given technology. Directives affecting such  
; h4 s/ W3 E3 [- ?- H(10) factors may vary from administrative regulation  4 F1 Q$ c" \, {/ r! u
of private activity to government ownership of a  / N4 x$ p; Y# U1 F
technological operation. Market incentive modi- + O& H7 k1 d& {& H2 y9 I/ B
fications are deliberate alterations of the market  $ _9 b9 r7 G" k2 k1 ~3 `
within which private decisions regarding the  , }5 X5 o7 U' O6 P
(15)development and implementation of technology  , @  I  H" @1 l* Q
are made. Such modifications may consist of  
1 D5 ~, V( s  T8 Zimposing taxes to cover the costs to society of a  0 V: z2 e% T9 b5 b9 w
given technology, granting subsidies to pay for  $ Z. G2 V3 C4 w! q+ s/ M
social benefits of a technology, creating the right  0 S" G2 @& Q  ~! @# |. J+ D
(20) to sue to prevent certain technological develop- $ Z  p, `7 u0 P& c" j/ }: l6 t
ment, or easing procedural rules to enable the  
- e* q1 N4 q7 U/ k% n: Rrecovery of damages to compensate for harm  9 i7 J& n  d, H' e0 \
caused by destructive technological activity.  
4 q, h6 k1 s% c, c8 G- vCriminal prohibitions may modify technological  / l: Z8 `* m; t3 B6 n
(25) activity in areas impinging on fundament soc-
8 c5 U5 d" ^5 N* q# I4 |4 nial values, or they may modify human behavior  ) M  B  M! `* P1 Y' n1 Z) x1 v
likely to result from technological applications—
) h8 J/ p0 L9 _for example, the deactivation of automotive  " G, D9 e9 ?" n, V  f" ]/ L
pollution control devices in order to improve  
6 T2 a; g1 k: i  I8 m; E: L(30) vehicle performance. Alteration of decision-
+ Y2 D/ X7 p" H  c. b% j& ]making structures includes all possible modifica- 1 n# |" U% K+ Z2 K$ [0 z
tions in the authority, constitution, or responsi-
0 \" m$ h# z# D' R, ^5 K5 k9 i2 gbility of private and public entities deciding  
8 F" g5 L! K7 `" Z3 yquestions of technological development and  8 }! A6 S7 y- v: q) N/ u
(35) implementation. Such alterations include the  2 U* F9 _$ v" {+ v; x: v) Z
addition of public-interest members to corporate  
. V# W' D$ r2 a% w; P6 g, Bboards, the imposition by statute of duties on  0 Y6 @& q; p# u, N& `
governmental decision-makers, and the exten- 2 X; Q9 R' u' p4 _4 U) n' O* I7 o
sion of warranties in response to consumer  
! g( N4 A3 ?0 \) `  Y) A, h(40) action. / V1 y, `+ ~: k! r% A
       Effective use of these methods to control  
" a0 J2 u+ U1 t3 L, p7 ?0 R) n5 wtechnology depends on whether or not the goal  6 l/ h7 e+ M5 T* `+ R- H
of regulation is the optimal allocation of  
" C) ~3 h3 o- [6 J4 n2 B' l8 r( Kresources. When the object is optimal resource  
5 b$ O1 Q0 d( Y2 K7 s9 \! x(45) allocation, that combination of legal methods  ! n& L" x' X+ D$ W% c' Z& N
should be used that most nearly yields the allo- 3 N2 @' A8 B8 H' \$ L  }+ j
cation that would exist if there were no external  3 g1 @9 N) F3 O! N$ G" }% w
costs resulting from allocating resources through  7 o% T8 R4 u2 i% M
market activity. There are external costs, when  3 h) _4 X- G, i% o" e, P
(50) the price set by buyers and sellers of goods fails

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


to include some costs to anyone, that result  * g0 @  m9 o3 [* U  m% L
from the production and use of the goods. Such  1 O; [( g1 i5 b/ D( L
costs are internalized when buyers pay them.
3 L0 \9 a7 m& Q! v% t( Q   Air pollution from motor vehicles imposes  : |  T: |) V2 I7 y) E
(55) external costs on all those exposes to it, in the  # _% C8 k$ Z' m6 y: J
form of soiling, materials damage, and disease,  ; S& g% C8 h' g7 R. C
these externalities result from failure to place a ) l2 @: w. p* Q; S
price on air, thus making it a free good, com- 0 A) E% a1 p& m6 @" G$ i
mon to all. Such externalities lead to nonopti-
$ ?$ u+ }  B2 S+ m7 Y) x0 {5 p2 k(60) mal resource allocation, because the private net  
9 x+ _5 r+ a: pproduct and the social net product of market  
9 f7 u6 W' S7 ?4 Vactivity are not often identical. If all external-
) l* x: S' y  v& L+ Qities were internalized, transactions would occur  
! S* E9 |& Z3 E: {  ^5 Q3 Vuntil bargaining could no longer improve the  
* d( m7 `1 m! q. s. G: t# l(65) situation, thus giving an optimal allocation of  / Y" h$ f+ Z4 e1 i" R; k
resources at a given time. % m' r2 g6 V" h* G* A" q/ ]3 F
  % b9 ]2 @; Q# S& A- m6 ]. s6 j# Y
17. The passage is primarily concerned with  $ r7 b' D0 x( L2 n$ B, U
. ]# M* t5 {$ l% h   (A) objectives and legal methods for directing  $ H) F& k; B; `: e3 f
     technological development  
, u- R" G9 o( U" h5 f   (B) technical approaches to the problem of  5 k; F# C* m$ X
     controlling market activity  2 z4 T+ U8 K6 P, G" Y6 o$ X- n
   (C) economic procedures for facilitating trans- # L8 s3 B$ V# e; i4 C
     actions between buyers and sellers  
- @" E$ j4 t$ k- M   (D) reasons for slowing technological develop- 7 K. I# `& y6 a4 Z- g8 K, C
     ment in light of environmentalist  
& i) ~0 D* z, p4 m& m7 W9 \     objections  
. G5 X, E$ C: K' Y7 t. q   (E) technological innovations making it  
6 i' e+ D! {& f% D4 _     possible to achieve optimum allocation  7 h! t# r/ f# p* C: I5 U" ?
     of resources  1 ^  ^3 X, Y/ U; N
  " I# U8 _) q2 A& U0 K
18. The author cites air pollution from motor  
6 q$ k$ g. S7 }. B, T   vehicles in lines 54-56 in order to  # o; h* r+ b3 k* |
   (A) revise cost estimates calculated by including  / W" |- h" Y5 T8 \5 z& o/ q
     the costs of resources  + x' ?$ R; A- X  Z) q/ W# G+ D$ d3 @
   (B) evaluate legal methods used to prevent  $ r2 N  C, V3 L4 _# |$ M
     technological developments . {' X1 a& V8 g9 d% x9 n
   (C) give examples of costs not included in  $ K; X- [: H* m4 k/ y4 h) Z% U( k
     buyer-seller bargains
2 A# ~$ \' s' `3 y   (D) refute hypotheses not made on the basis of  
& }* b( O" M: H# t' P. ?     monetary exchange values  
1 y; k, A* O* W- O, j* ]   (E) commend technological research under-
4 e, J4 E) D  w) Dtaken for the common welfare  
  H; ~5 M# X, `+ M- f/ Z  ( n6 P: [8 A! S3 h: l+ ?4 k& n
19. According to the passage, transactions between  
; V/ w& _. U% k, Y) x! m4 D& Xprivate buyers and sellers have effects on society  
4 b. n: t5 J5 C( {/ M# Lthat generally
, k1 U/ f9 s6 O( ~( r   (A) are harmful when all factors are considered  
( H4 w6 o: p6 U0 o8 o) n   (B) give rise to ever-increasing resource costs  / L7 w1 x# i* C2 k$ h
   (C) reflect an optimal allocation of natural  
# z" f" K( o0 ^* V     resources
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


(D) encompass more than the effects on the  
% m  V$ h) |+ p( R buyers and sellers alone 4 D4 A3 V' D  _0 {+ m0 [* U1 E
   (E) are guided by legal controls on the develop- 1 @, S, L8 _3 a3 `
     ment of technology   
: e. i8 j1 j* W' S8 U5 U6 |   # X( U( h! i! \% F; e
20. It can be inferred from the passage that the  
# V$ v# s0 g% z; X: v3 d. A5 B4 B! }author does NOT favor which of the following?
2 D. J8 A8 {& O8 q# Z- o3 [   (A) Protecting the environment for future use  % Q/ _7 ]0 H2 u: [
   (B) Changing the balance of power between  
" i% R: X5 s& n5 V. U6 Z1 T     opposing interests in business
, @, j9 h* Q+ T  r/ n1 _' x   (C) Intervening in the activity of the free  ' Q' Y$ P+ j1 K8 ?3 Y% ~8 w  H
+ ?7 X6 [0 S9 w( p4 C3 D+ ~   (D) Making prices reflect costs to everyone in  
. d$ ~. M6 G% c- i1 d! N     society  ; f+ S5 T4 X" s1 ^2 l- Q
   (E) Causing technological development to  3 p. H7 Z' Q. {* T! s1 `4 \! g4 H
) n7 s$ X; i8 ]+ a  l) T2 N  ' J: s3 Y. ]+ A- W" N
21. A gasoline-conservation tax on the purchase of  
9 T" j' R- G% C, L7 }large automobiles, with the proceeds of the tax  + m6 }5 O% m) H! t. X# U/ P
rebated to purchasers of small automobiles, is  
' i1 H& G6 I* y5 A, T3 H' o# Dan example of  
' n' G  m+ a- k  ?3 P   (A) a specific directive  
. ?" {. s3 P( e6 g' C$ Q   (B) a market incentive modification    N; t* L5 ]: i* q. w
   (C) an optimal resource allocation  
* }+ h% i6 Z: w4 h   (D) an alteration of a decision-making structure  
: Q3 ^) ]- K- s; d5 y: _  d- J. h   (E) an external cost  
. T9 r, h% M/ L: o; L  
) f$ s4 s+ V5 z6 H# K1 N1 {5 B( p22. If there were no external costs, as they are  
/ l" |! V. `1 q# t   described in the passage, which of the following  * `' H. I8 [  t' e) N) \& M
   would be true? ' u9 M( S4 W, @" {0 d3 o8 T6 D: X
   (A) All technology-control methods would be  0 Q4 D# x" ]/ G; c4 G0 Q
     effective. . @' c) W% W1 r, Q8 H2 [) @
   (B) Some resource allocations would be illegal.  
1 w7 O1 p' s( Q) f* e( U   (C) Prices would include all costs to members  
/ U. Q& g/ N0 R) S) O# V5 {0 a9 _4 \     of society. * W0 d, Q2 O+ p0 g6 V
   (D) Some decision-making structures would be  
1 @) l7 H* [5 B" V$ k4 Y) [     altered.
' u/ S9 f/ ?. \2 _5 N4 C   (E) The availability of common goods would  
  D) y# n4 S1 s& w9 U     increase.
" _$ p7 T- L# l$ x6 c  E3 l& g  
  P$ v/ N( J5 G' O: i( a" x: b23. The author assumes that, in determining what  
4 L& f1 ?; K: l7 W   would be an optimal allocation of resources, it  3 R4 \( L6 U2 z: n1 N7 s- T
   would be possible to  3 x6 {/ F* ]" G' l4 @
   (A) assign monetary value to all damage  4 V) q# u# B  {
     resulting from the use of technology ( h) N* [. g; M+ ?
   (B) combine legal methods to yield theoretical  
  Y. {7 j) }% D     optimum - U  Q. S$ J4 {7 M8 Q$ o2 w  M2 X
   (C) convince buyers to bear the burden of  4 a( k/ U! I# r! e  F: |' B! g! a
     damage from technological developments
9 t3 r, E, A3 q( {   (D) predict the costs of new technological  6 l. H! n1 m# F: G4 a% M; N
' P5 }; j: {  g2 y  h6 c   (E) derive an equation making costs depend on  ! x! H8 O6 g! E7 X5 K0 A$ }- J& v
     prices 6 f* T" N: T  i' \* w7 c9 W  R
) {( e! a% j: X3 f0 Y- Z4 L24. On the basis of the passage, it can be inferred  
3 q! S8 s1 D* `( Y* D   that the author would agree with which of the
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:23 | 显示全部楼层


following statements concerning technological  ; f0 g) E6 n8 m6 s6 ?: C7 X
   development? ; T# z& Y% O7 S1 [& j0 u/ ?& k
   (A) The government should own technological  
; I' [3 F0 @. w     operations.
8 \" L$ `5 p& j! S" l- o   (B) The effects of technological development  * I3 {# ~& K- |+ V+ E, f8 R
     cannot be controlled.
" [5 z1 L$ Q5 j+ R0 i6 P   (C) Some technological developments are  $ n  A, C& H, A4 i; I0 k
8 ~& b+ ?4 j( g* E- R1 I/ P& ]) g   (D) The current states of technological  2 K8 H( I# J2 h, x$ C3 O
     development results in a good allocation of  
8 _! E2 Y% W. F     resources.
7 z& T  t4 C2 k2 Y/ h   (E) Applications of technological development  % i, B& w4 D; s  b
     are criminally destructive.</p>17.A 18.C 19.D 20.E 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.C
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