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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列六十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The primary method previously 9 f' P9 N, e" e: n# s% x
  used by paleontologists to estimate
; A, w" P% b' {8 ]2 F0 ]; A  climatic changes that occurred during
) e; I7 U: x- e' y# L- i  Pleistocene glacial cycles was the
1 d* \/ B9 W0 Z' r( |( s  } (5) determination of 18/O16/O ratios in
1 H" e# A- G0 b( r% G- m$ A  calcareous fossils. However, because
1 q* L1 K) G/ s# F$ E' a  this ratio is influenced by a number 3 O2 Z( A! g8 }) o- [* N' D
  of factors, the absolute magnitude " S$ K8 w- {2 d8 x) x2 n$ R
  of the temperature difference between
  L3 L8 k( S* y3 [(10) Pleistocene glacial and interglacial
) s" B/ [+ f; E7 e( B& V. K  cycles could not be unequivocally
/ b, s: E# G' H$ D& c3 |  ascertained. For example, both
/ K9 W' r9 p, Y1 o7 b1 p0 l! M! H  temperature fluctuations and isotopic 2 E" w( K' n1 A3 p% V$ ^+ Z5 i
  changes in seawater affect the
1 \  Y# x5 |- h! Y9 w, q4 V(15) 18O/16O ratio. And. since both factors 7 O3 S; O. c! K) ^
  influence the ratio in the same 8 g6 O- j. ^# A) t3 \# v
  direction, the contribution of each $ v/ _, \0 o0 d) j8 R( G- K
  to the 18O/16O ratio cannot be
. r3 [6 f% v/ P* |8 Q- I7 e  determined.
0 E& b7 _' d7 C1 W0 A' `(20)  Fortunately, recent studies indicate ' T  [" i1 t& ~! L; j, r' P1 ~) J+ T
  that the racemization reaction of ( ?% M6 w: V% b
  amino acids can be used to determine 9 b' m/ }( b6 n8 ^% p3 Z) I
  more accurately temperatures that
3 o' n9 l9 u- O' @, T& I  occurred during Pleistocene glacial 3 {. ~- A# p) ^! L" E  H5 Q
(25) cycles. Only L-amino acids are usually
9 O" K8 B) ]. o3 @! ]9 F/ i2 Z  found in the proteins of living 1 Y+ c; x# z, _6 F4 \
  organisms, but over long periods of $ `) ~+ J. M! v# j
  geological time these acids undergo + l: l0 j+ `! V9 k/ r) r/ Q! R4 B/ {) m4 I
  racemization, producing D-amino acids, # K* a" n$ S: \; z$ p" w
(30) which are not found in proteins. This 0 A7 R4 b( Q! F! X: \& _8 {
  reaction depends on both time and . h/ w7 V) b0 q/ b" M; A) z
  temperature thus, if one variable is
3 `2 `) l! A& g/ ~  known, the reaction can be used to ) O) C  K) P& x
  calculate the other. 1 \% F# Q2 H0 ^; l6 p
% \( W" k! V9 JIt can be inferred from the passage ) p9 w4 T1 }, N7 k
that determination of the temperatures
/ O$ L  [" I  F( d7 U9 N# u( b$ rmentioned in line 18 through 18O/16O
- K, ^9 Q5 n/ X! }* V" U4 H" ?ratios and determination through * Z7 M7 q, b; O" e7 T; r
racemization reactions both require % O) S. B5 @; B7 g
which of the following?   N# _" Q# i" i( S# w/ ^1 Q
Calcium deposits known to be from
' o# V' f1 L$ z! |: j4 IPleistocene seas
1 I/ U+ J$ t" D& Y* l5 f' x Proteins containing both L-amino - {/ b1 \. g1 m  c2 P8 W
acids and D-amino acids , k9 c* M. l4 J' {) Q
Glacial debris from both before and : t" P% m6 V! L  v
after the Pleistocene period
2 q/ P7 T" l: [6 y$ n Fossil material from organisms living
1 M1 N7 J& L$ J7 nduring the Pleistocene period
; B2 q: i, |5 m6 w& f3 a" h Proteins containing both amino acids
' f1 u4 g0 U/ v& Cand 18O
( A5 }/ N9 g4 H% O" C0 A2 {  
- L5 k8 E* `% W& u# S————————————————————————
$ n+ G+ n6 V, `7 O* j答案:(D)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


The passage suggests that the 18O/ 16O/
- A3 i, _; T% n5 _ratio 7 N) W  d0 d- m0 S; o7 T/ {- {4 e
determine the 18O/ 16O ratio in living . _: S' ]# }7 N6 f
animals as well as in fossil remains 2 V8 R" D4 v5 B+ K& r* H+ V& \
locate a greater number of calcareous
  r( l5 B0 C1 P5 o" T4 Nfossils from the Pleistocene glacial and : H& o; \3 u/ c! V, |
interglacial cycles ( @/ h: y# x6 `9 O( n0 O4 S. D
locate the factors other than temperature
" X$ r# i7 N7 jfluctuations and isotopic changes in ( u# N0 K3 g7 \" l
seawater that affect the 18O/16O ratio
# H0 K! P; h) D/ h. q arrive at more exact determinations of 5 d: U/ T1 L1 j5 l+ [
which amino acids are found in the 2 o5 ^3 K- f' q& B: y+ }8 t
proteins of living organisms ( Y' l& d) V7 e* |# b
isolate the relative effects of temperature
! g6 U) G9 D# b8 U' d) j) i2 c7 ^fluctuations and isotopic changes in 7 d- s7 J5 T$ l' [
seawater on 18O/16O ratios
3 ^3 g$ P# r$ N! z; f  
4 X" k  e0 V( s+ D+ Q————————————————————————
' s, I) Y3 s4 W' `  X1 L答案:(E) ' A. y( {, s& j8 T. @
$ k; c' H4 i# \3 e4 e* f9 y? The information in the passage can
! A5 U, M! q* ]% gbe used to answer which of the following
3 k3 [+ ^3 J  N, ^6 K$ pquestions?
! j5 h. T% a. ~9 X Ⅰ Do temperature variations and isotopic
- I- U2 X. V  o; Tchanges in seawater cause the 18O/16O - O$ @; H3 S7 w. T
ratio to shift in the same direction?
; R2 G) B, P8 C Ⅱ What are the methods used to determine
5 K" U* A1 e5 N4 q; ~the18 O/16O ratio?   N( T1 N7 ?* {% k) P6 B# T
 Ⅲ Is the study of raceminzation reactions % ~$ R1 r/ M/ C. z2 W+ l
useful in estimating climatic changes 5 h/ c9 X' }0 R. S3 b: s
that occurred during Pleistocene glacial 0 v* L/ F# L% m( v  [# p
cycles if only one of the two important
3 ]( y$ k  F7 o# |1 [9 r4 i# qvariables is known?
! z: H6 K$ h/ g Ⅰonly
0 T$ K& f6 a2 y6 n; Y5 x8 ^+ b Ⅰand Ⅱ only
& C, E  U6 }/ l. L Ⅰand Ⅲ only 5 [9 w0 K5 X7 }- b
Ⅱand Ⅲ only & q. B6 [* I, L  x) B4 R
Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ ! _0 o/ X6 l. e: R0 m
  : C. ]7 f+ f) ]9 z" s
3 v( A. h  a, Y. p; G$ p% ]答案:(C)
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