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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列六十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A study of twentieth-century data on volcanic eruptions shows a slow sustained $ {! r0 J! ~( {8 N
rise in reported eruptions, with sharp drops that coincide with the two world wars.
& J  J# `2 g* @7 bThe most reasonable interpretation of these data is that volcanic activity in this
4 s# b0 t% l& `9 G" O  J" Gcentury has held at a steady level throughout.
, D+ t5 N# q* d3 o8 b9 s 
" n/ c% e( ?8 A/ J6 vWhich of the following is most likely to be an assumption underlying the
* {; X- J! V; z3 F3 k! Qinterpretation of the data described? ( c( H  W( V; M; t; ?; b# h
  9 k0 c7 Q# |. N3 [4 T6 h+ K' C5 q
The slow rise in reported volcanic eruptions in the twentieth century
( g& [1 g# D" `$ t can reasonably be expected to be sustained for the remainder of this century.
- Q: H) x0 J& u6 G Volcanic eruptions constitute only a small percentage of the sum total of " E. {' j/ I3 _+ D
 volcanic activity, but they tend to get recorded more faithfully than other
7 f. o/ [  Q9 _2 }* Z! k volcanic activity. : F$ n" p6 _4 P1 L
The fact that the sharp drops in reports of volcanic eruptions occurred
7 Z4 R4 O$ R  \5 _ during the two wars is attributable to random fluctuations in the data.
, k7 F% |" _$ m- F& s The variations in the frequency of reports of volcanic eruptions can ; ~7 D2 W' }% m) _: V2 t, Q) T1 p8 K) U
 reasonably be attributed to factors impinging on the reporting activity itself.
+ W, X+ A4 u  T( e" y$ `0 q Pre-twentieth-century data are too unsystematic to support any reasonably   l' C2 E8 W& N* Y5 }
 firm conclusions about long-term levels of volcanic activity ! H4 y1 p$ D8 b% n: m# @4 G
% u. x$ a2 b7 L6 j8 z6 n———————————————————————— * Q" Q: k: t: i: v9 j  u
/ a9 ?) P, f& o+ O' Q  & J1 r' n9 r# d/ o( ]+ n( o
To watch television with intelligence is a skill that has to be learned,
( n2 |# [( [% Rjust as the skill of reading a book has to be learned. Television, largely 8 w9 t8 ^% A: a; k. t4 Y0 d2 X
because of the illusions inherent in it as a visual medium that relics on ; x9 d+ t" B/ k+ U7 a" j/ Y
both the strengths and weaknesses of the camera, plays tricks that one must
- m5 [9 [; J- Z# `learn to make allowance for if one is to recreate the reality of flesh and
) k: p4 m2 I0 i9 w' `4 k# u" Y; Y7 lblood that these tricks distort.
. V9 t9 g6 @" f1 p, J  4 O$ K! q: p- w# I" y) ~- ~
Which of the following is the major point made by the passage above? # J' f3 q0 G8 g2 x6 K
  9 c1 Q/ ~3 F" _; Q2 ?  J* t
It takes a skillful viewer to extract an authentic picture of the world
6 q3 u* H0 i+ r and of the events in it from the television images that present them both. + V2 j/ _% x0 P4 h* Q
Knowing how to watch a television program intelligently is no less 9 K& o4 q: p9 n7 d, {& D" ~3 f
 important a skill than knowing how to read a book.
& ?5 P0 ~3 q! k0 _ The makers of television programs possess an arsenal of visual tricks   i0 E/ ^6 a$ I3 I
 with which they can dupe the unwary viewer.
0 o; t0 i0 F7 y! J2 o0 O4 \% Z: y4 s Technological innovation in video cameras is frustrating in that it often / n7 J% C$ w1 B; U- V
 makes available features for which there is no present need and often does not
* k$ ^2 b5 }5 l/ z) } supply features that could be put to good use. : Y) [8 A! E* M" ~1 Y- K' ~& m
The skill of watching television intelligently is very much like the skill 3 Z! q9 }! p2 u0 \: v' t# x
 of reading a book in that each requires above all the ability to recognize
+ p9 N* L1 c! c# K& _& I3 c illusions and distortions for what they are.
0 x* k2 e- h% ?  
# D4 {  s7 l8 g! v6 ]  O; y3 h' Q———————————————————————— ) d) b6 T3 {' |. b7 H9 V3 H8 H

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


Faraday does not ---- any particular theory; she 9 B# M, }" Z% E: G. M# V: z
believes that each theory increases our
' C3 V, Q* N% q* D/ {/ \  _" ~understanding of some dreams but that no $ X% {. v7 g) A9 Y! c
single theory can ---- them all.
! ^8 M! E( {9 p" X  * N7 t! l) l3 f. P3 y
endorse.. explain
7 I( O3 V# j9 I5 m; w, F  T6 r& h discuss.. simplify - W# D' a8 O0 ?! {5 o2 _
mention.. replace
8 U. v1 ?: @1 {1 Y& \6 S( I evaluate.. identify % q: N3 R) W! y& P- r
criticize.. eradicate 6 w+ j1 n) s6 _. p7 {1 B* a/ b
  6 N, L1 V' R7 w) c, k
" ]3 a+ f0 Y, B2 v( {5 b答案:(A) 1 t: k8 x8 D$ `7 a* k
  % [( T, V8 H9 H" x) K" y0 J
Although his outnumbered troops fought
' e' z! B, C& _8 S+ W7 gbravely, the general felt he had no choice
8 I% _$ o# f+ T5 R' z) y: s7 P! rbut to ---- defeat and ---- a retreat.
4 \" e+ x1 R1 E$ d3 k/ v  2 |0 m1 G0 D- K1 r
hasten.. suggest , @- o0 w1 Q% ?8 z/ }" C' {
seek.. try 4 d1 z, `! ~& n* `
oversee.. reject
2 R+ ?5 k! q; |' _6 d/ {  p' \+ X overcome.. request 6 A# B) D0 E! S) N8 N. |- I
acknowledge.. order
7 ^1 c7 R. Y& A8 \  
& D$ ]7 P. m% ?, h2 T! A# c! W9 a———————————————————————— - G2 P# j% |) J* M
答案:(E) # T* U" S, `7 l# B% l4 @$ M
  * I# i+ _$ M' f& m" V3 ^' z
Despite some allowances for occupational
3 l5 J: S8 g' ?' r6 `mobility, the normal expectation of seventeenth- - p8 _  P  K! \3 V5 `: G) L2 ]" @) U
century English society was that the child’s ( B0 I( m" @+ m+ y. \
vocation would develop along familial lines; 6 c# W+ C' t3 Z( {2 t2 r. G; Y
---- the career of one’s parents was therefore ----.
% ?" V" x4 ^8 ?2 B  
  Y1 O; [% N( J disagreement with .. forbidden " w  f4 E: |  |6 T8 v% \) E
divergence from .. limited ; U. O+ R8 L" E( S- E# ^, A
preparation for .. difficult
9 K. q$ f- Y# M+ ?/ r. j reliance on .. unanticipated 3 T: Z% `, m) s, s
assumption of .. premature % s5 ~* i% v: h, ~- Y
" w+ w* v7 r9 `) W, {————————————————————————
8 ?5 D3 v' h3 A6 K" X: H( l# _答案:(B)
8 G4 x" x: q; ~# ]+ ^* W  
% p  ~8 E6 G* j: w' z! |3 o& sThe little-known but rapidly expanding use of
5 U" V9 D% r7 t7 Pcomputers in mapmaking is technologically
# o; ?3 e1 V, |. gsimilar to the more ---- uses in designing % f. m0 m6 J% N- j! a* b" K3 `- J
everything from bolts to satellites. ! N% T) D& _' l" E% S8 s& z6 {
+ w9 D/ p1 e  [  d0 _) O recent
, I) e( e- i4 P; G impromptu ; |$ @. S# e+ L: t9 K& t
publicized ! ?' f1 z( \& H0 l3 h  Y5 I
ingenuous / ^' z& u% H3 l2 S" L" ~
  O* k# r6 A" \  q8 [0 _! D  
; [; D$ ?0 W, }+ \6 L' C————————————————————————
+ O" \9 {0 a% V答案:(C)
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