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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列七十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Forestry experts are beginning to question the policy of attempting to
2 y" w* g; X. Y9 K5 \extinguish all forest fires instead of allowing them to run their course.
0 k3 v' Q" {7 b5 K. e, S2 W: mObservations about the results of forest fires have indicated that their
6 C8 f3 k; o3 n: T1 K" T+ feffects may be, in the long run, beneficial to the overall ecology of the 0 g& I( n# s, c! q
+ G9 |# T2 j, C1 g  5 T; h& u; a8 H: x0 J( Q
Which of the following could most logically be one of the "observations"
: _, O. K5 A! k) M& Ereferred to in the passage above?
; O' r1 P6 k+ H+ B/ X' h; o  * @$ p" o% a3 E
More than half of all forest fires are the result of natural causes such as
1 w5 R# d) [+ e# S  a! r lightning rather than the result of human carelessness. 2 c( f2 L( v1 X" ~
Most people are killed or seriously injured each year attempting to / O: D0 j1 e* W8 w' j# W& d$ v( _* d
 fight forest fires than would be killed or injured if the fires were
6 ?. N8 R/ d% f2 }+ T& O/ N* z allowed to burn themselves out. 9 V( Y- c; N8 S$ E7 T3 G! o
Frequent small forest fires prevent the accumulation of highly flammable
4 k9 [+ M/ `& ^; ]1 E' [ dead brushwood and timber, which can support massive, uncontrollable fires.
, l7 r( b- m" A) I! Q+ f The animal and plant life destroyed by forest fires seldom represents
3 r% C3 v- u2 j) {5 t  t' R: a! a" j endangered species. 4 E+ B+ T1 o" e* @# v, `
Study of tree tissues indicates that forest fires were a regular occurrence ' G0 e2 Y: E: `/ s# m/ M$ Q0 P
 in the times preceding human occupation of forest areas.
" }; V0 q% A: k- O) \% G' ~  
+ |1 R: C' ^! \- D- R0 J$ |% m————————————————————————
! j. z* {- E$ C' U5 M- Y- C答案:(C)

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