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[GRE真题] GRE历年填空真题附详解十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5、Although Tom was aware that it would be ------ to display annoyance publicly at the sales conference, he could not -------- his irritation with the client’s unreasonable demands.4 B; P! @( r- {; s/ h
A, inadvisable.。 evince! Q1 i  p; \6 H& s% D
B, efficacious.。 suppress
! m. ]5 _5 x- @) i5 t+ q( M* R0 `+ [C, pragmatic.。 counter5 |3 C1 w& }2 u7 P1 P, z
D, captious.。 express6 e6 V9 R* [) J9 e# f3 L* }0 b& C7 D
E, impolitic.。 hide
1 h+ [1 S0 ~! F! ]annoyance: n.1.恼怒,烦恼 2.打拢,骚扰
& i  Q/ N  g$ V$ i& Wirritation: n.1.激怒,恼怒,生气 2.刺激物,恼人事* M6 ?6 z* s1 _. I
inadvisable: a.不可取的,不妥当的,失策的9 z% b0 q4 B, E% A
evince: v.表明,显示- g& n$ g! p( n/ K5 H1 @
efficacious: a.灵验的,奏效的$ H2 \) S( y  S, j0 X
pragmatic: a.1.实干的,重实效的 2.实用主义的 3.国事的,国务的
8 s- j2 D; i+ t* A: t- @8 bcounter: v.1.反对,反击,对抗,反驳,抵消,制止 2.(拳击时)还击
" \; R% C3 z/ _- ^0 kcaptious: 难以讨好的,吹毛求疵的. t8 G% C/ Y7 Q8 w5 ]8 M7 C
impolitic: a.失策的,不当的,不审慎的,没见识的- Y* H6 u& i% {1 P8 e
尽管汤姆意识到,在销售会上公然展示恼怒甚为不妥但面对顾客的无理要求,他却再也无法掩饰其满腔怒火。  w9 c! Z4 B: u* c/ a: L. p+ i
6、It is no accident that most people find Davis’ book disturbing, for it is ------ to undermine a number beliefs they have long -------。
5 t- E7 c, B* K/ G0 H5 U( o  ]& CA, calculated.。 cherished
. f; u* y0 {* ?. |B, annotated.。 assimilated
4 [7 J* R1 c6 x$ l" }" w8 z# MC, intended.。 denied( X0 _9 O5 Y  x
D, anxious.。 misunderstood
: Z9 q4 N- x/ v5 \  R" }E, reputed.。 anticipated$ g; h% ^* Y- o: `7 s1 J& \# H
undermine: v.1.侵蚀…的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)" {) m+ B* |8 X& X; X5 \1 Q
calculated: a.精心计划的,蓄意的
6 Q8 H0 s& |+ x4 P9 }cherish: v.1.珍视,珍爱 2.抱有,怀有(思想,感情等)4 V1 z, }0 H- m, y3 @# }
annotate: v.给…作注解(或译注)) {+ _8 ~3 M! q8 V5 _4 ~  _5 D
assimilate: v.吸收消化,使同化,使趋于一致; |) a8 E, y$ o
reputed: a.1.驰名的 2.被一般认定的,普遍认为的
, q4 m& y6 ~5 |大多数人发现戴维斯的着作令人不安,这决非偶然,因为它刻意要摧毁人们长期以来所怀有的信念。% U. R/ J, G& Q6 V; W
7、One virus strain that may help gene therapists cure genetic brain diseases can enter the peripheral nervous system and travel to the brain, ------- the need to inject the therapeutic virus directly into the brain.7 ^& |( O: R( z+ m
A, suggesting
2 \( k' H) ^' x- l' ?7 b3 bB, intensifying5 Z9 A( ]$ `: O% T! L
C, elucidating
. v. n1 m) x# c7 B+ f8 u" TD, satisfying
' \3 g& E' Q7 p3 @! A2 F% E! ]; y6 v+ A" pE, obviating

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