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[GRE真题] GRE考试填空真题详解(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& H9 {7 W9 @- R6 p. G. _2 Y8 x3 u) y2 h) O0 q
【解题分析】as引导一个简单的因果关系 ,第二空格应与上文的everyday concerns相关,同义或反义取决于第一个空格,但在五个选项中, everyday concerns的同义词或反义词只出现一个b的realism, 故直接选b即可。
6 D7 ]+ W/ {% }8 K/ z% U1 w& F9 I1 }! `
【重点词条】allay 1: to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity: alleviate  2: to make quiet: calm ~ vi, obs: to diminish in strength: subside syn see relieve% G+ d4 ~6 L9 D, V1 _# F! |% \* J
! A! ?; R# i# |7 C7 V
address 1 archaic a: direct, aim b: to direct to go: send 2 a: to direct the efforts or attention of (oneself)  b: to deal with: treat  3 archaic: to make ready; esp: dress 4 a: to communicate directly  b: to speak or write directly to; esp: to deliver a formal speech to 5 a: to mark directions for delivery on  b: to consign to the care of another (as an agent or factor) 6: to greet by a prescribed form 7: to adjust the club preparatory to hitting (a golf ball) 8: to identify (as a peripheral or memory location) by an address or a name for information transfer ~ vi, obs: to direct one's speech or attentions -- ad.dress.er n 2ad.dress n (1539) 1: dutiful and courteous attention esp. in courtship--usu. used in pl. 2 a: readiness and capability for dealing (as with a person or problem) skillfully and smoothly: adroitness b obs: a making ready; also: a state of preparedness 3 a: manner of bearing oneself <a man of rude ~> b: manner of speaking or singing: delivery 4: a formal communication; esp: a prepared speech delivered to a special audience or on a special occasion 5 a: a place where a person or organization may be communicated with b: directions for delivery on the outside of an object (as a letter or package) c: the designation of place of delivery placed between the heading and salutation on a business letter 6: a preparatory position of the player and club in golf 7: a location (as in the memory of a computer) where particular information is stored; also: the digits that identify such a location syn see tact
: K5 C! C% {5 }( i7 {+ t
7 b" C1 O3 U+ n4 D7 r& n2.【中文释义】因为这个律师的方法被查明是很无耻的,所以纪律委员会废除了他的特权。
% P6 X: Y) f* A; c
2 s* d; W' _2 Y6 W8 V【重点词条】unscrupulous not scrupulous: unprincipled -- un.scru.pu.lous.ly adv -- un.scru.pu.lous.ness n4 G  f8 P! h# M7 J! |

& _% F8 F" l" G! d: N% Z4 mrevoke 1: to annul by recalling or taking back: rescind  2: to bring or call back ~ vi: to fail to follow suit when able in a card game in violation of the rules -- re.vok.er n 2revoke n (1709): an act or instance of revoking in a card game
  c# ~3 [) R. c: q' Q: f* x4 ^# M( Q( F1 z/ T7 m: Z
reprehensible : worthy of or deserving reprehension: culpable -- rep.re.hen.si.bil.i.ty n -- rep.re.hen.si.ble.ness n -- rep.re.hen.si.bly adv2 [  m. h. P! X1 I

& H* C) P2 c: l; h* k  ~augment 1: to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense  2: to add an augment to 3: supplement  ~ vi: to become augmented syn see increase -- aug.ment.er or aug.men.tor n 2aug.ment n (ca. 1771): a vowel prefixed or a lengthening of the initial vowel to mark past time esp. in Greek and Sanskrit verbs
2 s. a% I" N* a& a6 M+ T( Q  C3 v0 b. c$ K6 _
8 Z" D' M: j. {) m4 P$ Q) X0 H; |0 Z7 [; ~! P
3.【中文释义】如此具有智慧和成就的人居然会如此贪婪并且缺乏正直感,以至于他们不惜违反法律,以它们的声誉为赌注来进一步推进他们自己最终成就。# }+ S1 V# W' @

" Y6 `- @2 c9 s9 M3 T【解题分析】nonetheless表转折,所以第一空格应填贬义,第二空格褒义,再由so--that 结构,可得答案e。
5 l( C. E/ \5 L( F! f- `$ Y1 u- E# z
【重点词条】devious 1: out-of-the-way, remote 2 a: wandering, roundabout <a ~ path> b: moving without a fixed course: errant  3 a: deviating from a right, accepted, or common course b: not straightforward: cunning; also: deceptive -- de.vi.ous.ly adv -- de.vi.ous.ness n / \8 t& ]7 e+ [4 Z2 L

4 r+ r. X) l% A5 e& H# X; w) Pintegrity 1: firm adherence to a code of esp. moral or artistic values: incorruptibility 2: an unimpaired condition: soundness 3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided: completeness4 r2 N$ e! T1 {: D

7 ?8 Q4 f6 Y; ]( P7 \% r+ q+ |4 S2 H 
4 d; t! ^$ H& D1 N$ s2 Q+ _! a4 [: T# V2 i4 |& n$ K3 r- r
4.【中文释义】一些科学家发表文章来揭示全球变暖的真相,断然指出并没有充分的科学论据支持这个理论 由于温室气体的增加,地球正在变暖。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


【解题分析】第二空格填副词,可以不予考虑,直接由这一段文字知学者们认为温室效应并无根据,这一段分隔就是对前文的重复,可选出a.b.d,而b.d第二个副词又不对,故选a。, ]" T' N! h: ^! n/ t$ ]' M+ h
2 _( `  x) c6 o8 X9 z# I
【重点词条】debunk : to expose the sham or falseness of  -- de.bunk.er categorical 1: absolute, unqualified <a ~ denial> 2 a: of, relating to, or constituting a category b: involving, according with, or considered with respect to specific categories -- cat.e.gor.i.cal.ly adv8 L! n' c) r6 a, s' `7 i0 i9 q

  ^6 }- K$ ~0 ^* S: E# ~2 k# W6 Edeplore 1 a: to feel or express grief for b: to regret strongly 2: to consider unfortunate or deserving of deprecation --; O6 W/ W2 C* \6 M' r

" m; E# o/ z& t$ @1 [- j 
) c& V# G3 F  v/ |6 k6 u* {0 v/ A0 H/ B4 b0 x
5.【中文释义】这个议员企图使公众确信她对参加第二届连任竞选毫无兴趣,这种企图与她的对手希望掩盖自己与她竞选的企图一样不成功。" x% r' @, m& [* ]" T; o
  `: F' ?4 r* p: ?& H3 _& B9 B3 V
【解题分析】这个句子已经是第三次出现了,又少许变了点花样,句子简化后为the attempt is as unsuccessful as her opponent's attempt. 事实上只要挑一个能修饰主语attempt的形容词就可以了,答案b。- H( R; m; p( f
6 k* f( b6 z7 |& }
【重点词条】inadvertent 1: not focusing the mind on a matter: inattentive 2: unintentional -- in.ad.ver.tent.ly adv
2 z& F4 l( J& c& L, ], t5 i
& }5 x: S2 U2 Q" \% Fremote 1: separated by an interval or space greater than usual  2: far removed in space, time, or relation: divergent   3: out-of-the-way, secluded <a ~ cabin in the hills> 4: acting, acted on, or controlled indirectly or from a distance
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


【解题分析】只要分清主干reconcile a defense attorney's ( ) with the attorney's mandate即可知空格应填mandate的反义词。& [$ h+ |2 x) S
& X8 T  d5 J) w+ f3 L
【重点词条】mandate 1: an authoritative command; esp: a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one 2: an authorization to act given to a representative  3 a: an order or commission granted by the League of Nations to a member nation for the establishment of a responsible government over a former German colony or other conquered territory b: a mandated territory 2mandate vt man.dat.ed ; man.dat.ing (1919) 1: to administer or assign (as a territory) under a mandate 2: to make mandatory: order; also: direct, require
: V! y) C- m0 L4 I; k! U$ d9 l, @, h% l9 x0 C# O8 j) Z
mount 1: a high hill: mountain--used esp. before an identifying name  2 archaic: a protective earthwork 3: mound 2a(1) 2mount vb [ME, fr. MF monter, fr. (assumed) VL montare, fr. L mont-, mons] vi (14c) 1: rise, ascend 2: to increase in amount or extent  3: to get up on something above the level of the ground; esp: to seat oneself (as on a horse) for riding ~ vt 1 a: to go up: climb b (1): to seat or place oneself on (2): cover 6a 2 a: to lift up: raise b (1): to put or have (as artillery) in position (2): to have as equipment c (1): to organize and equip (an attacking force)  (2): to launch and carry out (as an assault or a campaign) 3: to set on something that elevates 4 a: to cause to get on a means of conveyance b: to furnish with animals for riding 5: to post or set up for defense or observation  6 a: to attach to a support b: to arrange or assemble for use or display 7 a: to prepare (as a specimen) for examination or display b: to prepare and supply with the materials necessary for performance or execution: produce  -- mount.able adj -- mount.er n 3mount n (15c) 1: an act or instance of mounting; specif: an opportunity to ride a horse in a race 2: frame, support: as a: the material (as cardboard) on which a picture is mounted b: a jewelry setting c (1): an undercarriage or part on which a device (as a motor or an artillery piece) rests in service (2): an attachment for an accessory d: a hinge, card, or acetate envelope for mounting a stamp e: a glass slide with its accessories on which objects are placed for examination with a microscope 3: a means of conveyance; esp: saddle horse
8 F% K1 i3 @6 D8 D3 ^' W& |: x) O+ @1 i8 F! K% E
: |! }& U, h( X
' }. R( |2 @8 F) W/ I" e4.【中文释义】“现代”这个词汇被历史学家们用得非常广泛,最近的汇报表明,它得含义已经变得比以往任何时候都更不确定。
* I6 ~( p$ [. C
( c' e+ {- K. t' x% F' i【解题分析】由be used broadly可推断"modern"的含义现在变得“不确定”3 Y( n5 U5 D0 D* G' z% ~; m8 W3 f
: @+ q$ k' Q, v: M  `# I
【重点词条】pejorative a pejorative word or phrase 2pejorative adj [LL pejoratus, pp. of pejorare to make or become worse, fr. L pejor worse; akin to Skt padyate he falls, L ped-, pes foot--more at foot] (ca. 1888): having negative connotations; esp: tending to disparage or belittle: depreciatory -- pe.jo.ra.tive.ly adv5 p& ?4 z" Q1 U5 h
$ d  X. B. P: d8 k
amorphous 1 a: having no definite form: shapeless  b: being without definite character or nature: unclassifiable  c: lacking organization or unity  2: having no real or apparent crystalline form: uncrystallized  -- amor.phous.ly adv -- amor.phous.ness n' V1 {# z! s4 T. s9 m

! D0 A9 t# Q1 x. d2 P + j* l$ K8 `$ t  D; M; ?3 P
! s( t7 t) ~6 v$ X/ }' A
5.【中文释义】他不会容忍任何讨论,最终他命令我们沉默。; _9 b  `9 {! d0 P$ Z
2 Q: d  P# X" D4 n4 m
4 J( w& r+ K, ?6 i8 |9 m; ], \$ ~  W( e+ ]6 a! x
【重点词条】fathom 1: a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used esp. for measuring the depth of water 2: comprehension 2fathom vi (1607) 1: probe 2: to take soundings ~ vt 1: to measure by a sounding line 2: to penetrate and come to understand  -- fath.om.able adj3 [% @/ D+ o8 H$ m) J! ?
" ^8 J5 c: Y: F2 c* e
 4 k( }1 }+ `  l! u, r
3 Q: E. C! \6 k3 ~8 |8 s! Z
1 f3 g- Q1 y( ]. a' o' }. G" W- \7 D7 C0 L6 Z2 G4 B  ?" b; }* F
# x, @' D( x3 s. c% @0 L
$ e, j/ J( k. z( d; ]( U( k【重点词条】appeal 1: a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court 2: a criminal accusation 3 a: an application (as to a recognized authority) for corroboration, vindication, or decision b: an earnest plea: entreaty 4: the power of arousing a sympathetic response: attraction  2appeal vb [ME appelen to accuse, appeal, fr. MF apeler, fr. L appellare, fr. appellere to drive to, fr. ad- + pellere to drive--more at felt] vt (14c) 1: to charge with a crime: accuse 2: to take proceedings to have (a lower court's decision) reviewed in a higher court ~ vi 1: to take a lower court's decision to a higher court for review 2: to call upon another for corroboration, vindication, or decision 3: to make an earnest request 4: to arouse a sympathetic response -- ap.peal.abil.i.ty n -- ap.peal.able adj -- ap.peal.er n
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:23 | 显示全部楼层


outlandish 1: of or relating to another country: foreign 2 a: strikingly out of the ordinary: bizarre  b: exceeding proper or reasonable limits or standards 3: remote from civilization syn see strange -- out.land.ish.ly adv -- out.land.ish.ness n0 ]0 L4 G2 H, Y) ]- q4 w
: i! n3 b8 x0 P( R1 H) ]" l2 [
shoddy 1 a: a reclaimed wool from materials that are not felted that is of better quality and longer staple than mungo b: a fabric often of inferior quality manufactured wholly or partly from reclaimed wool 2 a: inferior, imitative, or pretentious articles or matter b: pretentious vulgarity 2shoddy adj shod.di.er ; -est (1847) 1: made wholly or partly of shoddy 2 a: cheaply imitative: vulgarly pretentious b: hastily or poorly done: inferior c: shabby -- shod.di.ly adv -- shod.di.ness n# y8 ~: ?" l. q2 S0 [" y0 c

2 Y7 H) H  \/ u( v  u; h 
+ ?4 l: i5 D  H6 R' E, X5 p2 ?* h5 l* O
# H, d; f6 K2 A9 i+ a( w" \7.【中文释义】让人吃惊的是,考虑到稻谷只承受了如此少的降雨,收成是相当令人欢欣鼓舞的;随之而来的是这个国家的稻谷储量并没有减少。+ F; H+ \8 m4 y4 T* _* ~+ ^
8 E) g% U: V. L$ q3 a6 j  P5 P
【解题分析】由given 因果关系可得b,d,再由consequently可得b。1 K5 P- X- r% F) ?& Y6 `- ^

4 p! ^# }1 A+ f3 d5 h【重点词条】 replenish 1 a: to fill with persons or animals: stock b archaic: to supply fully: perfect c: to fill with inspiration or power: nourish 2 a: to fill or build up again  b: to make good: replace ~ vi: to become full: fill up again -- re.plen.ish.able adj -- re.plen.ish.er n -- re.plen.ish.ment n </p>
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