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[GRE真题] GRE历年选择真题附详解一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、In some cultures the essence of magic is its traditional integrity; it can be efficient only if it has been ------- without loss from primeval times to the present practitioner.
" v+ T) j- f. N/ e/ TA, conventionalized
( K. M. Z8 r2 IB, realized* ]$ n/ ^# F, o
C, transmitted. {! [5 h" b$ ~4 q  h, b3 v5 l
D, manipulated
: g1 V  x8 ?" |: [E, aggrandized5 a" r  T% z& u+ v  v. ]$ K
magic: n.魔术,法术,巫术
7 R: R4 U3 i1 T5 G6 Vintegrity: n.1.正真,廉正,诚实,诚恳 2.完整,完全 3.完善,健全
& l' |, ]8 r6 m5 E- sprimeval: a.原始的,早期的,远古的4 v- ?0 M% e) ]: w
efficient: a.1.效率高的,有能力的,能胜任的 2.直接产生效果的,有效的,生效的! m; P. o: S* l- v$ ^
conventionalize: a.使符合习俗,使惯例化,按传统手法表现
0 T/ y1 ^. }1 d4 y+ O; i. Raggrandize: v.扩大…权势,提高…地位,增进,扩充
$ J' [, R) Z, a1 }在某些文化中,巫术的本质在于其传统的完整性:只有当它被完好无损地从远古时期传递到当今术士的手中,它方能显得卓有成效。1 ]& O4 k/ u1 Y4 t; Q0 m1 m% r
2、Although skeptics say financial problems will probably --------- our establishing a base on the Moon. Supporters of the project remain ------, saying that human curiosity should overcome such pragmatic constraints.
6 ~# v, \* x& N5 S, Z! V! [/ l" mA, beset.。 disillusioned* b2 M  @) P2 U8 b$ Z1 C! o
B, hasten.。 hopeful  J& g) c/ u% S
C, postpone.。 pessimistic
' i! }$ E( Z: C; U2 jD, prevent.。 enthusiastic* L- j! U; J6 \  q( t! S# ?
E, allow.。 unconvinced
7 M% ?7 O; y1 E" `5 S' msceptic: n.怀疑(论)者,〔哲〕不可知论者) A" Q, z  \' Q  q, E& T1 p: w
pragmatic: a.1.讲究实际的,实干的,重实效的 2.实用主义的 3.国事的,国务的
4 T! L3 @' p8 q( \+ m' U! _constraint:n.1.约束,限制 2.强迫,强制 3.克制,抑制,拘束" Y% g* ~' f( a* m7 r1 ]
beset: v.1.困扰,使苦恼 2.包围,围攻4 a' e" G: |  @) _# c# n0 ?
disillusion: v.使幻灭% U/ ^, n% r7 v4 t" H
postpone: v.1.延迟,延缓,使延期 2.把…放在后面" ?  @8 y" ~& @: U: D2 D  |4 l% e
pessimistic: a.悲观(主义)的& d& D$ v: }9 c! [! `/ D( a" @

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


3、Before the Second World War, academics still questioned whether the body of literature produced in the United States truly ------- a ------- literature, or whether such literature was only a provincial branch of English literature.</p>A, symbolized.。 local
" f9 {$ Y5 o/ }" CB, constituted.。 national
& ~' q- o# \  W% |" eC, defined.。 historical( W- Y/ I' L3 D# h  v
D, outlined.。 good6 c" l8 k9 Z- G5 z
E, captured.。 meaningful
6 H, j2 n# a; }. t% a' V& Dacademic: n.1.大学生,大学教师 2.学者,学会会员
8 a5 V, D0 l) ?6 d! z( Gprovincial: a.1.狭隘的,地方性的 2.外省的,外地的+ k2 U) c* N6 P, o$ Y/ ?
symbolize: v.象征,标志
7 }7 R8 c- i; o: q5 [8 l第二次世界大战之前,学者们依然感到疑惑,即在美国创作的全部文学作品是否真正能构成一种民族文学,抑或这种文学只能算作英国文学的一个地方性分支。1 Z& C7 h* E- I) t( G* p
4、Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until very recently, been regarded merely as ------- fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.
' |/ g8 z$ X% YA, a controversial
/ E' b+ _  ]) y7 _B, a statistical; R* ]9 p% h# ?
C, an analytical" Q. X& x! k# I  I
D, an explicit& W2 W5 X, `! ^. P) k
E, an unimpeachable: f' m! f6 X" k3 G; |  d% X$ O
dominance: n.优势,支配(或统治)地位,最高权力
- g) V/ w4 @! i! ], [" aarcane: a.神秘的,晦涩难解的,秘密的$ S8 A( v+ t, ]* w6 `* A. _
bibliographer: n.1.书目编制者 2.目录学家,书志学家: G" M; A2 i4 R) G
explicit: a.1.详述,明确的,明析的 2.直言的,坦率的 3.显然可见的,容易观察到的
" e. O' r! O' ?+ I( ~7 j& @unimpeachable: a.无瑕疵的,无缺点的,完全可靠的8 w) a# O9 S' s- |) [  [
) g2 |& I" J1 R: Y! [5、All ------- biological traits fall into one of two categories: those giving their possessors greater ------- the environment and those rendering them more independent of it.+ l" l- Z: r3 |& L9 x
A, widespread.。 detachment from
& y, Y! u; N, \5 v6 dB, beneficial.。 control over) A  J6 y& J9 t& c" l) p2 e
C, successful.。 freedom from
0 {) ?/ Z; h" P6 j8 v3 |2 k; a# g% ?! ?5 XD, neutral.。 compatibility with' {: M: P/ F( X( N
E, harmful.。 advantage in' R2 X0 F2 f& @7 d# z1 K2 t" F6 a
trait: n.特征,特点,特性
8 B9 {+ ?0 u8 P1 x. zcategory: n.1.种类,类别 2.〔哲〕范畴
: t. P* t3 N) H' S& ~render: v.1.使得,使成为 2.给予,提供 3.提出,呈报
" t2 \; g$ x0 a; [6 B- rdetachment: n.1.分开,分离,脱离 2.超然,公正,不偏不倚
" T+ e' o) A! g5 a. D3 `! U2 }, [# X% h7 Qbeneficial: a.有益的,有利的,有帮助的& l3 M- D4 R2 h, u0 @+ s( `( D) Y
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