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[GRE真题] GRE出国考试北美试题(19)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 \# e: h# p9 [) i( Q  U    (A) penury: luxury
) |6 ]  i1 G* d% w, x    (B) gluttony: eating
- A' h0 h% }: m    (C) modesty: dignity- P1 I' z( P# ^" n" S# V$ O/ j) G
    (D) hospitality: befriending& a- `/ q. ?5 `0 q- c
    (E) endurance: longevity" z4 ^; P: a6 A+ ]  y' X
    12. BASTE: DRYNESS::9 u" {2 c: d5 K
    (A) desiccate: aridness
" v6 Q& x: J& S; N    (B) sift: fluffiness5 x+ G* t  C# f$ N
    (C) beat: stickiness
$ @  K  Z" R0 e) N    (D) caulk: moistness; Y  Z# f& l/ L( d# l% M
    (E) irrigate: wetness* x% M# m5 {' ]" |0 C
    13. DROSS: METAL::; h  H# O3 o6 T- s$ b6 s
    (A) kernel: corn1 v! k  A8 v. f7 Z
    (B) chaff: grain
3 j* i& a5 l8 }* W* y8 Y/ Y# A    (C) sand: concrete
( g* p9 A2 Q! K0 b- u& c3 m    (D) omelet: egg
  T& h) \3 _7 @, y- R) i3 R    (E) lave: volcano
' ~! s" @: V7 W, J2 b: g7 H    14. GUST: WING::7 W, Q, ]7 Z. N1 [
    (A) water: sea
. o* L, B# c6 q" Q6 ~" u  C+ I    (B) flare: light- E8 {; L* b, H! H
    (C) cloudburst: torrent
' j4 G8 }/ R+ i4 n2 @; b6 r' V    (D) discord: sound2 t0 q* c4 g; M. q( A+ d9 F
    (E) breath: air; p: h; T* C/ ~: @. u6 |5 K. C
    15. DUCTILITY: MALLEABLE::" K$ S9 p" O, S7 ]! m5 {0 P
    (A) rigidity: strong5 ?7 g: z  g. s; ?: u7 W0 Z
    (B) liquidity: absorbent7 g* u5 U. F$ Y; c" V- U
    (C) toxicity: poisonous, W) ]2 D- e7 h: X3 U% D
    (D) density: unwieldy
. ^/ O! w! }) u    (E) luminosity: intense. G! N1 P  f0 D
    16. RAIL: VEHEMENCE: :
+ U+ N$ [! i6 U' Y+ Y8 F2 o    (A) entreat: urgency- j' g1 `8 J% ~- }  f. t  ]
    (B) revere: simplicity
3 N  `6 c& t# j1 w$ f9 R    (C) plead: sorrow5 `" e' m4 K4 H/ m
    (D) avenge: ferocity中华考试网/ u! e8 j0 |9 G$ S% T8 S) }
    (E) insult: sarcasm
6 p& D2 A; V6 o: q1 a. c; S    Even as the number of females processed through juvenile courts climbs steadily, an implicit consensus remains among scholars in criminal justice that male adolescents define the (5) delinquency problem in the United States. We suggest two reasons why this view persists. First, female adolescents are accused primarily of victimless crimes, such as truancy, that do not involve clear-cut damage to persons or property. (10)If committed by adults, these actions are not even considered prosecutable; if committed by juvenile males, they have traditionally been looked on leniently by the courts. Thus ironically, the plight of female delinquents receives (15)little scrutiny because they are accused of committing relatively minor offenses. Second, the courts have long unjustified so-called preventive intervention into the lives of young females viewed as antisocial with the rationale that (20)women are especially vulnerable. Traditional stereotypes of women as the weaker and more dependent sex have led to earlier intervention and longer periods of misdirected supervision for female delinquents than for males

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