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[GRE真题] GRE出国考试北美试题(23)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Unlike a judge, who must act alone, a jury discusses a case and then reaches its decision as a group, thus minimizing the effect of ---bias.' P) Y6 N" m6 O1 W5 x  r& i
    (A) legal
* q9 u" Z7 Z6 H8 d% h, V1 d    (B) professional
+ m. \6 V6 v: w+ Z& g$ N    (C) individual& _% c, I8 e5 Y6 @" X
    (D) unexpected
- S* h9 u. o  ^  k6 C$ m! d6 o    (E) unarticulated
) K  G' i6 `$ I$ B    2. One reason why pertinent fossils are ---is that crucial stages of evolution occurred in the tropics where it is difficult to explore for fossils, and so their discovery has ----.3 z6 m( K! G0 o9 [# r
    (A) unique... resulted
$ X) o) _& i' E' M( S2 Z* ^: R, h9 a    (B) unconcealable.. declined
6 H' j* g! a0 k  P" c; W    (C) uncommon.. lagged& N/ F+ d8 P5 G2 v; m
    (D) recent.. resumed来www.Examw.com
5 ]* G% f& u! b" D    (E) prominent .. failed
4 e- R/ a& h1 V# I" u4 L+ v: E    3. The harmonious accommodation reached by the warring factions exemplifies the axiom that --is possible among people of goodwill, even when they have previously held quite ---perspectives.9 Q  a( |0 i  V8 f, _
    (A) candor.. indistinguishable% F  q6 |3 m/ b  C. m
    (B) tension.. congenial
( d% R1 h7 w9 J$ Y+ M$ Y; K: |    (C) agreement.. unequivocal7 J6 Q1 k: }" |
    (D) compromise.. antagonistic6 e" [7 m/ U! Z% E
    (E) coexistence.. fixed
; W5 v' ]! {* B0 ^# _  f    4. The prime minister tried to act but the plans were ---by her cabinet.
6 n4 ]1 p+ f& H9 A; K% |0 s    (A) frustrated, ^" D$ D4 R$ p* |
    (B) discussed
! U4 }+ u  m8 d% s9 G& l. o& [3 h    (C) embellished8 [  U/ F+ p/ P, B; i+ c3 U+ w
    (D) overlooked' {( o1 r+ o/ m8 `8 q7 ^0 M2 b
    (E) unleashed/ y7 X, D( z7 k3 D0 |5 s7 H
    5. Amid the collapsing or out-of-control mechanical devices, the belching volcano had a disturbingly---quality, like a character who has stumbled onstage by mistake.+ K$ o) U! ^  u* k
    (A) anomalous
( v2 p0 R5 v2 t/ H, w. F    (B) overwrought% Z9 [0 r& i6 x; A. {* i: a
    (C) obdurate
5 c2 l5 T" a5 `, e9 v+ F    (D) ephemeral# n" J. i3 P% Y+ Z
    (E) derelict
2 l9 |3 j- u& l& A% m; H2 Z2 ]    6. It is an error to regard the imagination as a mainly ---force; if it destroys and alters, it also---hitherto isolated beliefs, insights, and mental habits into strongly unified systems.! ~& l9 A7 Q( f" P
    (A) visionary.. conjures
  \, k4 m5 G' ^# V: X5 l; o    (B) beneficial.. converts( y) G' N3 b% s. q* `8 U/ p  X5 T
    (C) revolutionary.. fuses' a, t5 \$ ~+ R8 w0 N" S; [% }0 w
    (D) negative.. shunts
) {$ e9 k# J7 E( r: D    (E) synthetic.. integrates
% p+ b2 j1 _6 B" W! |; g    7. The semantic ---of ancient documents is not unique; even in our own time, many documents are difficult to decipher.
$ ^* S, o+ A# G+ f" K    (A) aspect8 V, _; f1 P. w7 d
    (B) pattern
5 ?, P8 _9 i$ x3 W$ ?4 Q6 W/ @- q$ A    (C) opacity" `, `0 v3 x% F4 E
    (D) intention
2 y- g& [5 I) |& |4 n5 R8 B    (E) erudition# M7 r4 ^" o" i, {( E. n9 z) L
    8. SCYTHE: REAPER::: k4 ~& M0 v/ Q2 l, @4 K
    (A) pipe: plumber
, A, b! n5 b' F: P9 X    (B) crop: farmer7 W) ?4 y; y6 \# a2 q
    (C) grease: mechanic3 W  q) v* y9 K
    (D) game: hunter
2 x' `9 t/ `# a7 d/ v    (E) axe: woodcutter! d. R+ J- K" D3 I
    9. DISCOMBOBULATED: ORDER::8 J! b* a* V" v/ m7 q
    (A) political.. anarchy
9 ^2 a& [6 Q9 o  N3 V% U    (B) promiscuous: chaos
/ d0 P0 Y4 D- z; D    (C) rumpled: wrinkle
0 ~! R1 y: d: L3 l( s    (D) strategic: logic
: v- l# w% u3 x/ ?5 W    (E) erratic: consistency5 o# Q& g' c4 m) z& |
    10. FERVOR: ZEALOT::( V& B) v2 p; ]. E1 a" P4 O
    (A) anger: critic1 G1 J1 A0 s: ^  T3 ]' @
    (B) wisdom: convert; A: A5 |7 Z# Q' c1 Z4 W. L+ x
    (C) doubt: skeptic
7 R, ?8 r( i: j5 B5 Y  i- A( ^% R7 J    (D) caution: philosopher
# b  S' y' i) }- E3 A    (E) fearlessness: investor

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