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[GRE真题] GRE出国考试北美试题(27)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
26. According to the passage, the two antithetical ideals of photography differ primarily in the0 v+ T; k& b# b" Y
    (A) value that each places on the beauty of the finished product
. f9 Q. ^$ \1 q! a    (B) emphasis that each places on the emotional impact of the finished product
8 C4 a$ g6 _- c; s    (C) degree of technical knowledge that each requires of the photographer" P$ v1 ?' n7 s1 d  B
    (D) extent of the power that each requires of the photographer's equipment2 |! R' ^% p6 x. J! Q
    (E) way in which each defines the role of the photographer
: F7 i! O5 R! p1 S    27. Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph immediately following the passage?
6 k- y. e4 j  K5 S    (A) Photographers, as a result of their heightened awareness of time, are constantly trying to capture events and actions that are fleeting.1 G/ y) D. l9 J6 k( Z
    (B) Thus the cult of the future, the worship of machines and spend, is firmly established in spite of efforts to the contrary by some photographers.3 ?/ h/ Z5 A% ?  }! w) \5 k
    (C) The rejection of technical knowledge, however, can never be complete and photography cannot for any length of time pretend that it has no weapons., L' d+ S' F5 O, r! [, K: x9 }
    (D) The point of honor involved in rejecting complex equipment is, however, of no significance to the viewer of a photograph.0 h" C; y' ]: S8 b9 q8 e4 {9 r( W
    (E) Consequently the impulse to return to the past through images that suggest a handwrought quality is nothing more than a passing fad.0 R2 A  ]; W. A
    Directions: Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
! f: J4 M+ E( M* U! F; |  @    Since some of the questions require you to distinguish fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices before deciding which one is best.) m4 i+ I& A* Q1 C. Y( \2 l; |  B* o
: z  m+ X* n: q5 L  D7 r3 O8 E    (A) conformity9 G( d) r# }& C3 T4 N% G
    (B) care
3 c$ h7 Z# U- f9 t, t4 h$ V* ^! v( A    (C) potency4 D% q4 z1 _6 o' X* F: g. g
    (D) moderation
  W! p( W( W  v3 v# k    (E) force" o. [( K0 u1 x2 a3 o) }1 u
    29. GRUELING:
5 \# _$ d- r8 t; U! w    (A) useless
2 Z$ d5 e$ h* N0 C* o! r    (B) effortless; p% G7 M; Q% \0 r( O7 q" h+ U6 e
    (C) indefinable) c2 D$ U/ g3 ?5 a& v* z( V6 X5 @
    (D) insignificant- G, }3 u6 Y; q% v5 B7 @
    (E) uninteresting  f/ [0 ^! d. i# k* l+ m+ k
    30. LEVITY:) N9 Z. ]% ]7 U' a: P' ^, t
    (A) vulnerability
5 {! u" w- n" @4 z7 p/ }    (B) attraction
, K! G  Z$ F- i( [) d! u    (C) justice
! d$ @1 R; A$ U: ~5 t. T$ c) P5 ~    (D) seriousness( D5 H) Z, |% k; c, g( Y, N
    (E) generosity8 M2 h7 K: x* ?, j! A& R
    31. AGITATE:, T/ F+ b/ P$ L& l0 c
    (A) decelerate
. q, o0 ]' e: n+ ?5 `    (B) formulate; r1 L0 [  Q. l5 B, `) L3 P+ W* o; d
    (C) soothe1 i' h; S. D! `9 p# L# ~
    (D) stand still( G' ]/ Q( k, h2 t% x
    (E) add on
: ?' y0 T2 h) Z    32. ACERBIC:+ D9 b! h8 e* b& ]
    (A) massive
% D1 O# l' B8 z    (B) grateful中华考试网
) s( i& q% G/ T( W    (C) tiring8 Q5 n+ W. m8 ~9 Z4 ?- L
    (D) cooling
  a1 F* G8 `, G4 ]    (E) sweet+ ?, Y0 \# V; T9 J* j
    33. FLIT:; Q0 A7 c4 W  p+ z
    (A) complete slowly' g$ Q8 x4 J) q
    (B) balance carefully) {( M# U* e% ~* E( Y
    (C) focus accurately+ K! l2 I: X! j1 {( f. d# x& t
    (D) stress& q' ?5 q, }$ ^9 s7 _3 O( R
    (E) plod

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