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[GRE真题] GRE出国考试北美试题(32)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
21. The organist could schedule any of the following to play on a day immediately before or after the day on which T plays EXCEPT
) j3 o4 \4 E+ C, h" F- c/ o; M    (A) R" M% k. h! m  S# r' l; C6 c
    (B) S1 T, w, D0 J& L/ H. z
    (C) U
7 Q* W' [  C9 E    (D) V6 C8 e: }" s: Q" K" }+ r
    (E) W  m, P* w# n: V% C
    22. If R must play on the day immediately after the day on which V plays, R must play on! {1 J; d# q0 S- I. h5 K0 z
    (A) Monday( S- s' z; S- f/ F4 F
    (B) Tuesday% v% {( b) @+ ^, u) p
    (C) Wednesday9 {5 E4 P3 T2 u% w: O7 p
    (D) Fridaywww.Examw.com
! B* |' S$ K+ M. c& q7 U1 u    (E) Saturday
0 T8 r, ~# \3 `) _    23. A study of the use of the polygraph, or lie detector, found that when a trained examiner using approved questioning techniques gave the test, information from the lie detector was accurate for 70 to 90 percent of the responses in determining whether responses were truthful.% S& Y, v; e% h; T7 L
    It can be reliably concluded from the results of the study cited above that) K0 S) k! W( N% H7 a
    (A) the lie detector gives accurate results only when employed by a trained examiner using approved questioning techniques
& A2 l5 F( Z. f" U    (B) with a trained examiner using approved questioning techniques, the lie detector gave incorrect results in at least one out of ten instances
& y7 S( `2 n* ?) E* t    (C) in at least 70 percent of the cases, a trained examiner using approved questioning techniques can discriminate between the questions for which the lie detector gives correct results and those for which it does not6 B7 w4 M; l2 {5 X( {2 z9 L8 L
    (D) the lie detector measures truth-telling objectively, and the validity of its use does not depend on subjective interpretation on the part of the examiner
) G: c3 G' ]1 c  F- I    (E) if a trained examiner using approved questioning techniques asks a specific question and the lie detector indicates that the answer was false, the respondent definitely lied when giving that answer6 [; l# u, g. |$ z. M; r
    24. Professor Panovich concludes that, since dinosaur teeth exhibit annual growth rings like those found in the teeth of modern crocodiles, dinosaurs, like crocodiles, were cold-blooded. But the teeth of desert bighorn sheep also exhibit growth rings, and everyone knows bighorn sheep are warm-blooded.
) W* B0 ^, L# J' H8 D    Which of the following, if true, strengthens Panovich's argument?
* K) J3 d: j/ j. t9 b4 O1 Q( R    (A) Structures in dinosaurs that are apparently similar to structures in modern species of reptiles do not always serve the same functions that such structures do in modern species./ Z$ f6 r* N$ T' `- M3 I$ W
    (B) Dinosaurs were so diverse that some species could have been cold-blooded and others warm-blooded.! ?* X3 X0 m- v$ L
    (C) Several modern species of animals, some cold-blooded, some warm-blooded, have teeth with annual growth rings.
9 ]4 H9 f0 S  l    (D) Annual growth rings in warm-blooded animals are caused by extreme seasonal variations in temperatures, but this could not have been the case for dinosaurs. who lived in constant climates.( H  n! R. ~4 y* F
    (E) The small number of fossilized remains of dinosaurs cannot be assumed to represent the most typical species of dinosaurs.5 l6 o( C& _$ m' m0 e% x
    25. Technological innovation is widely extolled as the way to guarantee future prosperity. The after-effects of industrial innovation, however, may be far from benign. Revolutionary new technologies such as robots may not only eliminate jobs but also diminish the quality of working life in factories where robots work closely with people.# t$ d5 r  J4 ]: [7 o, c
    Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the author's position?1 d* K% M& k& E8 ]( p
    (A) To be effective, robots require close supervision by skilled employees.
3 l5 n9 H7 _& c) K    (B) Revolutionary technologies can reduce unemployment.
6 X1 y' n3 e- g- J! g) A    (C) Robots can do jobs that people find enjoyable.! n6 b4 }% r+ E& M) C& \: @
    (D) Robots relieve people of boring, repetitious work.
& \' }! I$ w- w    (E) The quality of the finished work depends on the quality of the worker.

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