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[GRE写作] GRE考试:argument提纲(10)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 19.The following appeared in a letter from the manager of a rock band named Double Rice.  " x. u2 l, r$ G& A( ^* f9 V/ w
  "One year ago, tickets for Double Rice's concerts in stadiums around the country took, on average, at least 24 hours to sell out, if they sold out at all. But the band has been enjoying a surge in nationwide popularity among 14 to 25 year olds, and the 30,000 tickets for a recent concert in Megalopolis sold out in 12 minutes. Clearly the ticket sales in Megalopolis are a result both of the band's increased popularity and of the advertising campaign run in Megalopolis by the Ad Lib advertising agency. Thus, in order to ensure that the band's success in Megalopolis is repeated across the country, the band should hire Ad Lib to duplicate the Megalopolis ad campaign on a nationwide scale."+ y, {& ]/ Z$ f2 _- C/ i

( k9 m+ A" ^' `5 v  U  A、DR在全国的演唱会门票平均需要至少24小时销售完,并不意味着DR在M地区是如此。在M地区,DR可能拥有比其他地区更多的歌迷或者追溯着,或者,DR的门票可能比较昂贵,而M地区的居民普遍比较富裕,能够支付得起。可能去年在M地区的销售速度比12分钟还要短。$ K: y4 ]# p! k* a/ p& Q
# n$ n; I9 Z$ ?
  B、即使DR在M地区门票销售也是如此,那也只是一年前的了,正如作者所说,现在DR在14至25岁的人群那种已经掀起了一股热潮,因此在M地区12分钟售完门票未必就和广告商有关。即使广告商不宣传,DR的追随者也会踊跃购买门票。作者并没有说明其中的联系。0 }) H" t" ~, b6 Z' U6 B
2 L$ ]5 Z" i7 x+ }( X
; [/ o! ]4 |: `) ], j! O) o+ n
7 @. n/ J( ?7 {# \3 ]* R  20.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette." ]' B+ o& S& F9 G5 B& A
' T; j6 {7 _( N
  "The population of Balmer Island increases to 100,000 duing the summer months. To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians, the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day during the summer season. By limiting the number of rentals, the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in moped accidents that was achieved last year in the neighboring island of Torseau, when Torseau's town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals."
. G/ S3 A' Q0 d5 F9 L( [5 ` ; Q  Y  I2 b! @8 k/ T2 M: T
. P4 q2 O6 p$ j0 Y8 f / m( E1 D* Y2 a- s3 B
+ B2 t/ s3 T8 x! p. f9 I 0 m8 P4 i: q3 M- p" J9 ^* F( B
  C、作者并没有交待T岛交通事故下降50%的基数,如果该基数很小的话,则不能够说明T岛的该措施是成功的。例如基数只有2的话,即使只是减少1,也会有50%的下降比率。即使T岛的交通确实变得安全了,也未必是由于实行了该措施导致的,可能是由于T岛去年的气候比较好,雨雪天气少。即使确实是该措施导致,那也是去年的数据,今年未必能够同样有效。/ j. k/ O; I4 I5 B( z  C
9 F( E9 v1 Y1 N

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