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[GRE写作] GRE写作绝佳300句(23)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 221. It really doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white , but instead whether or not it can catch the mouse .  8 W' |5 b/ \' b
  猫是黑是白真的不重要,重要的是它是不是能抓老鼠。1 f1 A) N+ W) v2 Y8 E: |! F
9 P6 e8 a6 ]) p$ ~4 F
  222. Whatever the outcome , we must resolutely proceed with our odjective ./ f% G( Z+ }: `* h

6 N( c8 |" S$ i7 k3 ~  无论结果如何,我们必须坚定地继续为目标而努力。+ s6 z9 [7 V: _5 T9 c! ~5 i9 h

+ m3 T! T( L) I* h  223. However great the will to achieve , and however great the demand to succeed , one should never abandon his/her moral and social consciousness ./ r# R6 U. x! A! B1 S

; U' U) I: P0 Q+ ?  无论成功的决心多么坚定,成功的要求多么强烈,一个人永远不能丧失他/她的道德和社会觉悟。
. l- `  S6 s5 t# ^# c* k, R# z
, W% ~, Z0 f* b1 c2 J+ k3 A  A  224. However pressing the need and urgency of the problem one should not proceed without a plausible plan .
% Q/ W7 `4 n) o6 b5 m
* I- m0 e) j% I, f* D  无论需要多么紧迫,问题多么紧急,一个人不能没有看似有理的计划就开始行动。
& O% I  ~+ ]5 Y' @' {
' ~! F8 m" a$ L: a+ O  225. Pising crime is often cited as a prime example of mounting social decay .
& s0 c. O( f9 x" q& u0 I $ u/ O3 O6 U! L1 c. T7 \
# G; {! X1 p0 o' Y( B, O0 \ . ]$ B" [$ B1 S' `
  226. Bill Gates , founder of Microsoft , is a classic example of success .9 ^) A: m/ g& d! [& U
' G! B7 b3 r3 Z3 v5 c" H5 @
  微软的创始人比尔·盖茨是成功的经典范例。2 g) |' a/ ^$ D* J
  N( T9 w$ x: r8 U
  227. Persistence pays off ! A case in point centers on the ongoing negotiations and anticipated eminent resolution of the Middle East peace process .
" U7 w( _; B( u0 K" I$ H
7 ~) T* s, w: D  坚持不懈能取得好结果!一个恰当的例子是正在进行的关于中东和平进程的谈判和预期达成的引人注目的决议。
/ I% V! Y" C) A7 I8 Z8 A8 h
1 A# [( k% `$ n' p1 k  228. The advertisement is a perfect example of misleading content designed to fool consumers .1 G5 [5 D6 C; z# x. Z7 S9 z0 ]

: D+ ?# j7 `/ P  广告是为愚弄消费者而设计的误导内容的很好的例子。6 j9 \. B; N- a2 P/ b5 O
# N0 f  T" g4 z+ O* x/ q6 K/ ~
  229. The land for peace deal represents a concrete agreement which will end conflict and bring stability to the Middle East .
- B/ ]' I5 k; q  C4 q- T% d0 L $ z& ?! k3 {" U) h% Z
  达成和平协议的余地代表一个具体的协定,它将结束争端,给中东带来稳定。2 r, [2 b9 O! z: D7 \6 x
) b2 ~. I" |+ B1 o" ^! _5 W3 l$ v
  230. We should gather additional facts to support exisiting evidence and illustrate the correctness of the contention .+ T. M6 |8 E5 D. e; E$ Y( u2 }5 I. @

' a& m5 {+ k( n9 v+ r( D0 t  我们需要收集更多的事实支持现有的证据,并证明论点的正确性。

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