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[GRE写作] GRE考试之写作最实用句式

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、使用否定的时候,比如:什么什么对个人不好,对社会也不好。为什么不来个倒装?Never/neither/nor/seldom /rarely/on no account + is…
: a. B2 z* x9 {2、当你想表达“如果怎么怎么样,就是另外一种情况”—虚拟语气。为什么不来个虚拟倒装?Were(Had) it…,something would......
) f  W* {% a- A, g: U3、强调句的使用:It is people who…/ it is something that…" j: T' W; R) n3 p
4、让步句式的使用:“无论什么样的情况下”However[No matter how] whatever[no matter what]等等….
6 e$ {; f5 z$ T: y还有一种Cogent as this response is, it has some minor errors. Somewhat reasonable as the issue presents, it does not experience a case-by- case examination.1 L# E1 K8 Q4 s& E. g; a
还有比较常用的although... It should be admittedly that…,however it does not follow that/
' k6 o2 ^- [9 d* h0 b2 A5、疑问句。用于开头,来个设问句,在自问自答,提出自己观点;用于段中,比如举设想的例子:Can you imagine that…?/ How can one imagine…?
. X1 X+ m# ~. M! w; c' M2 J" x/ d6、定语从句(这个大家一般用的比较熟练,但是注意不要太罗嗦…society where(in which)…,/ something on which we depend (on which…based)7 X3 {+ q: C5 v' ^9 V) G
7、The more…the more…句式的使用。人们越幸福,社会越稳定啦、等等。
" A$ \4 X; s* C- R- v8、Not only…but also的使用。很好用的,ETS经典的6分范文:专才VS通才不就用了两个嘛?
+ [( \/ x& U% }9、without的使用。从反面说,很是能够增加字数。还是那篇范文的结尾,就来了两个非常妙的without。/ |+ z7 x3 B$ X  h$ E7 H
10、还有一些比较常用的:There is no denying that…/ there is no doubt that…/
- A2 n; D' b+ g. Y, X; j4 P) C11、还有imong的一个句子:So powerful the scandal is that Watergate became the talk of the world.如此..以至于.. 句式这一方面我还很欠缺啊,要是各种变幻的句式能运用自如(向往ing),再加上深邃的思维分析,就不愁ETS不给高分了。

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