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[GRE写作] 2010年GRE考试作文典型背诵句式示例(一)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 n/ Z) O4 Y# q" b" \  1. Whereas other societies look to the past for guidance, we cast our nets forward(面向未来)
$ n3 C) ^1 A% F" b' }1 W- d# g% B0 |  2. It is the belief in a brighter future that gives us optimism./ U0 ~1 V4 t6 H% o' d! c
  3. Even these days, when not all progress seems positive , the belief remains that for every problem there is a rational solution.- E' ]5 F4 n3 m
  4. The job of the parents is to give the children every opportunity while they are growing up and then get out of their way.
: F7 T* r1 Z1 M0 }; `# @  5. What deference people in authority do command is based on their actual powers rather than on their age, wisdom, or dignity.: t5 m$ Y0 y6 R$ u
  6. In a society that changes as fast as ours, experience simply does not have the value that it does in traditional societies.9 |" ^. x7 t* O( a
  7. It has taken a long time to convince the public that free enterprise does not mean that a company should be free to pollute the air, foul the rivers, and destroy the forests.
$ ^# m7 H/ b* {1 E: b& C  8. The assembly line reduced workers to cogs of machinery and made their jobs unutterably boring, but it produced goods fast.
, W) f7 m8 T1 i0 R- u  9. Food is prepackaged and shopping is impersonal, but the efficiency of the operation produces lower prices and less shopping time.
' Q7 ~$ W2 p2 J0 H( c5 S+ o  11. In America, there are no such expressions such as in china where “the fat pig gets slaughtered,” or in Japan, where “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.”( ]+ F8 P; p6 N. V) C
  12. This freedom from the group has enabled the American to become “Economic Man”—one directed almost purely by profit motive, mobile and unencumbered(不受阻碍的)by family or community obligations.
' E* ~! O5 f& A# W5 Z  13. Equipped with the money, one can acquire the taste, style, and ideas that mark each class and launch a quick ascent of the social ladder." m: [+ g9 k) g- E: L6 y+ G
  14. Actually, persons in status societies who are secure in their niches (适当的位置)are allowed more eccentricity than Americans, who rely heavily on signals that other people like them.! }4 Y1 S+ I8 T7 r+ d7 B
  15. When half the population goes to college, one cannot expect the colleges to maintain the same standards as in countries where only the elite attend.1 f' S/ M: m$ ^4 Z: a
  16. Just as not every Japanese is hardworking and deferential to superiors (长者、上司), not every Chinese is devoted to family, not every American is ambitious or patriotic – or even unsophisticated.
, s  M! f  A/ i# y0 g9 r1 t( p  17. No one could seriously think that anyone who grows up poor, lives in a bad neighborhood, and attends an inferior school has an opportunity equal to that of someone more favored.1 L" |3 g2 Q9 W$ t* C
  18. Americans may not have achieved equality, but at least they aspire to it, which is more than many other nations can claim.
3 t( G, \2 K- g- y3 |" d" m1 k0 n  19. In many countries, when jobs become available for young people in distant cities, when television begins to dominate home life, when ready – made foods appear in the markets, the culture appears more “American” – although the resemblance could be entirely superficial.
# C- `5 y) e2 ?; S/ @( S  21. When the demand for something is greater than its supply, producers and suppliers will sense the possibility of making a profit – the excess of revenues over expenses is the profit.- d' U2 U0 P- Q$ y  _& P6 l
  22. As the case illustrates, competition takes four general forms: pure competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly(少数制造商对市场的控制).
0 S5 W) z' V# S8 Q/ g7 v0 K& j% q  23. The classic example of pure competition occurs with a commodity, like wheat or corn, that has so many producers that no one of them can control its selling price.
, }! F( V% V' |" O0 c0 p: i  24. A monopoly occurs when one company alone offers a particular food or service and therefore controls the market and price for it.
& m' z3 U# P( v, q  25. Private restaurants serve gourmet food for $70 per person; incentives boosted agricultural production 25 percent and industrial output 80 percent in just three years; farmers are encouraged to raise as much as they can on their own plots, and some become almost rich in the process.(注意本句中分号的使用)8 G2 K) q% R& H: ~
  26. All these changes in China’s economic life have brought changes in China’s social and cultural life as well, many of which unwanted.

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