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[GRE写作] GRE写作素材实用句子70句(七)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 61. We must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sence of the most appropriate and effective way to proceed with the project .  
4 c! F/ j, l$ w  我们必须进行充分的讨论,以便更好地理解继续实施计划最合适和有效的途径。
% D6 i% k/ p3 z, m$ c' S  \ ) D0 P- ?4 q- b$ Z2 z+ `+ @
  62. We must develop a foolproof argument in order to effectively illustrate the urgency of implement stringent environmental protection measures .- i5 O- S( X4 J4 C

/ [/ R" R! s  x7 |+ d' ?  为了有力地证明贯彻严格的环境保护措施的紧迫性,我们必须进行简单明了的论证。
7 g+ c! a5 q9 v$ w4 L( R4 ?& x 9 D$ g7 {3 }: k$ x
  63. A comparative analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Three Gorges Project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program .% [9 u+ R0 u4 n( w9 I; v

( {9 s6 A6 h" Z* a9 d  三峡工程利弊的对比分析可能会使我们更清楚地认识这一庞大的治水工程的最终影响。6 j" z; |0 y7 ~1 ^7 ~
, Z& n+ p  u2 V& M
  64. Incompatibility provides only a partial explanation for the rising divorce rate . Perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common .
" `7 q8 Q* d0 Y; Y - I7 v% l6 G' ]4 N0 J- [5 C
  不能和谐相处只是不断升高的离婚率的部分原因。最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因为缺乏共同的东西。4 v) f( f2 F& D5 [' r6 @; U
2 ?) L" R, c9 @' i
  65. The success of a company is directly related to the competency of its managers .
& P0 s; j. @8 H' T0 \. u+ r6 u- ?
" }% F5 y8 _0 D# j! S  一个公司的成功与它的管理人员的能力直接相关。) ?# H0 b7 u2 K6 K9 {( b

- ]# t* F. I' j  R) x; j  66. Mental disorientation is but one of the many effects of alcohol consumption . Another is anti-social behavior , and still another is physical deterioration .
, F4 V1 {! L6 G- z0 F+ u$ |$ ?0 z
/ [8 C4 Z6 d, u. ]; y/ k7 _" ?7 }$ D9 E" t  将神上的迷惑只是喝酒的众多后果之一,另一后果是反社会的行为,还有体质下降。
0 S/ D4 }( y: P
) }7 Z$ b0 J4 ]  67. Apart from providing sheer enjoyment , music provides one with the opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure .
- ?' a+ D8 v! k1 Q6 h
! R$ g7 G' h6 ~- J  音乐除了带来纯粹的享受,还提供机会逃避日常生活的压力,进入一个感官享受的审美世界。8 X1 a& D/ {+ G( P" M

4 u& z( ]1 R; `  68. In spite of the costs involved space exploration is absolutely necessary to solve the puzzles of the Universe .
8 s; T& `3 p3 a; M' a - N' |' L. W) p$ p  y6 [5 ]+ A/ n
  尽管太空探索代价很高,但它对于揭开宇宙之谜来说是完全需要的。% q. M/ ^& F- H( d* h& [% O: j

2 |/ [3 ~- p9 B% D' O, m* G  69. On the one hand , technological advances yield beneficial results , while on the other they create problems which threaten our very existence .
% J! ], ?& ]( D+ Q
" @0 j; A, f! r$ N  一方面,技术进步产生有益的结果,但另一方面,也制造了危及我们生存的问题。
* R# u* {) p) t: m
- j) x$ _7 a6 c6 \( W4 i  70. There are other social factors worth serious considerations in evaluating those special behaviors .
9 z: Q- D3 `) P( D   V6 w$ j6 R: m* L' i8 \5 [

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