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[GRE写作] gre写作辅导:写作资料句子3

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace.+ b" s1 a" B7 u9 z. Q+ t8 }4 T
2.An unfavorable relationship between numbers and resources tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerable difficult.0 C+ ]& F4 [/ ]- V# m3 ^( \
3.Labor is more abundant than goods, and the individual is compelled to work long hours for little pay.9 b! f3 J9 ~( x1 b8 Q
4.Moreover, in any country where population presses hard upon the nature resources, the general economic situation is apt to be so precarious that government control of capital and labor, production and consumption, becomes inevitable.' z( l  ^! m7 V  O
5.It is always wiser and saver to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment.
0 p  H0 n# s# \4 i6.In Britain, Calder Hall on the cast of Cumberland first made its contribution to the National Electricity grid in 1957., x' }9 J0 H% Z
7.Atomic power is associated in the public mind with the destructive force of atom bombs and partly for this reason, though it is claimed that there is no danger to be associated with atomic power stations, they are being sited away from popular centers.4 E& M' F; B6 p
8.The present position is that …1 t( l2 j9 @( A7 [. a* T4 J
9.By way of contrast, …       ; for the purpose of …* b$ K, u8 p9 ^3 W0 X
10.We sometimes refer to electricity, gas or patrol as if they were the actual source of power, forgetting that electricity must be generated by the consumption of coal or oil or by the utilization of water power.

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