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[GRE写作] gre写作辅导:写作资料句子7

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.
2 w2 k! b. D9 Z0 ]2. Now, for the first time, man can reasonably begin to think that life can be something more than a grim struggle for survival.* s9 e- t5 Y' G4 B9 U6 J( F
3. Yet, in the West, science and technology have made it possible for us to have a plentiful supply of food, produced by only a fraction of the labor that was necessary even a few decades ago.( h* o) G% Q& z+ V' `4 [) B
5 s" n% I6 ^: t1.宣传技术(propaganda techniques)
% h2 o# |3 B! J; `  P6 Y9 c# [9 T$ ]* A8 h' [; O, a4 O
Today’s Advertising' {# l. i6 K0 V! e6 m$ |
Propaganda is not just the tool of totalitarian governments and dictators. Rather, propaganda is all around us—in the form of commercials and advertisements. The author of this selection shows how Madison Avenue uses many of the techniques typical of political propaganda to convince us that we need certain products and services.
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2 F0 _. W7 H) t' n: oAmerican adults and children alike, are being seduced. They are being brainwashed. And few of us protest. Why? Because the seducers and the brain washers are the advertisers we willingly invite into our homes. We are victims, content—even eager—to be victimized. We read advertisers’ propaganda messages in newspapers and magazines; we watch their alluring images on the television. We absorb their messages and images into our subconscious. We all do it—even those of us who claim to see through advertisers’ tricks and therefore feel immune to advertisers’ charm. Advertisers lean heavily on propaganda to sell their products, whether the “products” are a brand of toothpaste, a candidate for office, or a particular political viewpoint.
0 x' {2 R5 e# J& m& h& W6 D! `- ^) V. F
& W: {; t& |: d, S( |Propaganda is a systematic effort to influence people’s opinions, to win them over to a certain view or side. Propaganda is not necessarily concerned with what is true or false, good or bad. Propagandists simply want people to believe the messages being sent. Often, propagandists will use outright lies or more subtle deceptions to sway people’s opinions. In a propaganda war, any tacit is considered fair.0 `5 s# P3 C, N8 K
  R8 H% f: x/ K4 \0 x$ B
Indeed, the vast majority of us are targets in advertisers’ propaganda war. Every day, we are bombarded with slogans, print ads, commercials, packaging claims, billboards, trademarks, logos, and the designer brands-all forms of propaganda. One study reports that each of us, during an average day, is exposed to over five hundred advertising claims of various types. This saturation may even increase in the future since current trends include ads on movie screens, shopping carts, videocassettes, even public television.

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