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[GRE写作] gre写作辅导:写作资料句子14

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Be willing to change your mind
6 O9 X8 {1 c* J/ OWe should enter discussions with an open mind. When talking to another person, be willing to walk away with a new point of view---even if it’s the one you brought to the table. After thinking thoroughly, we can adopt new viewpoints or hold our current viewpoints in a different way.
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Lay your cards on the table. p- e4 `/ f4 O. O1 s; l  E
Science and uncritical thinking differ in many ways. Uncritical thinkers shield themselves from new information and ideas. In contrast, scientists constantly look for facts that contradict their theories. In fact, science never proves anything once and for all. Scientific theories are tentative and subject to change. Scientists routinely practice critical thinking.( v' \. G* m  m- n. s& ?$ B% a
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Examine the problems from different points of view
& s$ N" R4 v1 Y  G( CSometimes new ideas are born when we view the world from a new angle. When early scientists watched the skies, they conclude that the sun revolved around the earth. Later, when we gained the mathematical tools to “stand” in another place, we could clearly see that the earth was revolving the sun. This change in position not only sparked new thinking, it permanently changes our picture of the universe.
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Write about it) N. G0 K# S7 E0 i+ R7 m, x
Thoughts move randomly at blind speed. Writing slows that process down. Doing so allows us to see all points of view on an issue more clearly and therefore thinking thoroughly. Writing is an unparalleled way to practice precise, accurate thinking.! A  ?3 A! J. a0 P) t& @6 m7 |5 ]

: y' I/ @' {: p; }Construct a reasonable view& J' g9 E3 _; U5 e! X! u
Instead, each point of view is one approach among many possible approaches. If you don’t think that any viewpoint is complete, then it is up to you to combine the perspectives on the issue. In doing so, you choose an original viewpoint.

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